Barry Svigals, whose New Haven firm was chosen to design the new Sandy Hook Elementary School, will give an illustrated presentation on the art of creative engagement in architecture on Friday, Feb. 21 from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Essex Town Hall.
His talk will discuss the joys of the collaborative process, focusing on collaboration as a tool, and he will employ several interactive exercises to identify common pitfalls of group interaction that impede open communication and short circuit creativity.
Svigals coauthored a new book, “Collaboration,” and is a proponent of creative thinking and artistic stimulation as a means to achieving breakthrough architecture and human performance. A graduate of the Yale School of Architecture, he studied sculpture at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris.
He founded Svigals + Partners, an architecture and art firm based in New Haven, in 1983. Its portfolio encompasses sculpture, furniture design, and campus planning. Major buildings completed by the firm often feature large-scale sculptural works by Mr. Svigals, including the Carroll School of Management at Boston College and several public schools in New Haven. Among its clients are Yale, Pepsi and Kodak.
This presentation is part of the Centerbrook Architects Lecture Series, one of many programs regularly offered by the Essex Library. Call the library at (860) 767-1560 to register for this free event. Sponsored by Centerbrook Architects, the lecture series is in its sixth season.