Russ Gomes, who has served four consecutive terms on the Region 18 Board of Education and is currently both its Secretary and chairman of the Building Committee, filed today as a petitioning candidate for the two-year term on the board in the upcoming November election.
Kelsey continued, “At its July 23rd special meeting … , the RTC chose to endorse five candidates, and unfortunately there was not a nomination for your endorsement this year,” concluding, “I emphasize again our gratitude for your past contributions…”
Gomes was chairman of the Lyme-Old Lyme High School Renovation Ad Hoc Building Committee for a year — this committee was formed after the failure of the first referendum on Lyme-Old Lyme High School by a roughly two to one margin. He then went on to chair the District 18 Building Committee for the next five years.
Gomes told LymeLine, “I was obviously disappointed not to be endorsed by the Republicans. Many people have told me that my contributions to the board of education have been valuable and urged me to run again.”
He added, ” The building project is almost complete and I am confident we will bring it in on time and under budget. But there is still more work to do, with the heating and ventilation systems in particular, to see them through a complete cycle of the seasons. So I really want to see the project through to its completion on behalf of the community.”
The RTC endorsed board of education incumbents Steven Cinami and Steve Spooner and newcomers Max Greenwood, who is an unaffiliated candidate, and Kirk Hoerauf, while the DTC endorsed Diane Linderman, who ran unsuccessfully against Steve Spooner in the recent Special Election, and newcomers Sarah Smalley, Jean Wilczynski and Nancy Lucas Edson
Democrat Rick Goulding was cross-endorsed by both parties.