To the Editor: On behalf of the Friends of the Lyme Public Library, I’d like to thank everyone who came to our Book Sale this weekend. Additional and very special thanks go to our wonderful volunteers who sorted, stored, priced, and sorted some more. Because of our new library construction, this turned into a wonderfully shared community event: we coordinated with Lyme … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: A Hearty Thank You to Lyme From Lyme Library Book Sale Organizers
Letter to the Editor: Senator Linares, Explain Your Voting Record
To the Editor: The (April 29) and (May 16) carry a press release written by supporters of Senator Linares expressing “marvel at what this young man has accomplished in such a short period of time.” Given Mr. Linares's lamentable voting record, it is hard to understand what the release is talking about. The record shows that Mr. Linares has … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Senator Linares, Explain Your Voting Record
Letter to the Editor: A Note of Thanks From the Old Lyme Historical Society
To the Editor: This past Tuesday, April 8, several local historical societies and the Connecticut River Museum sponsored "Light Up the Night" to commemorate the 200th anniversary of "the Burning of the Ships" in Essex Harbor by British forces during the War of 1812. Three different sites along the Connecticut River in Essex, Old Saybrook and Old Lyme featured bonfires such … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: A Note of Thanks From the Old Lyme Historical Society
Letter to the Editor: Thank You to Old Lyme Fire, Police Volunteers
To the Editor: Although I was just going to sit down, read the paper and start a cozy fire in my fireplace, fate decided to take a turn. I poured a beverage as I planned to enjoy the warmth of the fire, I noticed an all too familiar sound, a flue fire. I left the house, called 911 and waited a minute until a growing team of volunteers and police showed up. The fire was … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Thank You to Old Lyme Fire, Police Volunteers
Letter to the Editor: Sale of Drug Paraphernalia in Old Lyme Sends Wrong Message to Community, Especially Children
To the Editor: As the health teacher at Lyme Old Lyme Middle School, I have major concerns about the Bestway gas station at 281 Shore Road selling drug paraphernalia. I truly believe this gives children in this community the wrong message about drugs. While bongs, glass pipes and other items can be used to smoke or prepare tobacco, even young children know that they are … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Sale of Drug Paraphernalia in Old Lyme Sends Wrong Message to Community, Especially Children
Letter to the Editor: Sale of Drug Paraphernalia in Old Lyme Continues Despite Objections by CASFY, Customers
To the Editor: The CASFY Coalition (Community Action for Substance Free Youth) wants citizens of Old Lyme to know that the owner of the Bestway gas station at 281 Shore Road is selling drug paraphernalia. We have sent the owner two letters asking him to remove his large display of paraphernalia from his store. We have followed up with visits and phone calls. The owner … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Sale of Drug Paraphernalia in Old Lyme Continues Despite Objections by CASFY, Customers
Letter to the Editor: Sale of Drug Paraphernalia in Old Lyme May be Legal, But Sends Dangerous Message
To the Editor: I am writing to express concern and hopefully spread awareness regarding the sale of drug paraphernalia in Old Lyme, and in surrounding communities. Because this is a legal practice, by law little can be done to halt the sale; however, as a community we have a powerful voice and role to play. Working in education for 15 years in various capacities, I have … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Sale of Drug Paraphernalia in Old Lyme May be Legal, But Sends Dangerous Message
A Note of Thanks From Old Lyme Public Works
An Open Letter to the Residents of Lyme Street and Ferry Road: The Public Works Department would like to extend their thanks to our residents for observing the Parking Ban on Lyme Street and Ferry Road through this winter storm. Your compliance made it easier and faster to clean up these roads. Happy New Year to all and stay safe on the roads. Sincerely, Public … [Read more...] about A Note of Thanks From Old Lyme Public Works
Dilapidated Lyme Barn Continues to Present Safety Hazard
An Open Letter to Lyme officials, Connecticut officials, or any interested party: There exists on a field located at the intersection of Cove Rd and Ely's Ferry in Lyme ... the broken down remains of an old yellow barn... in delapidated (sic) and dangerous condition. It has been in this condition for the 25+ years that I have lived on Ely's Ferry. The building has … [Read more...] about Dilapidated Lyme Barn Continues to Present Safety Hazard
A Message of Thanks from LYSB to the Old Lyme Police, Community
To the Editor: Lymes' Youth Service Bureau (LYSB) wishes to thank the Old Lyme Police Department for organizing the recent Holiday Food Drive. Led by Officer Tom Heinssen, the Old Lyme Police officers donated their time to hold the food drive on three dates at the Old Lyme Marketplace to "stuff the cruiser" with holiday food for needy families in our community. The … [Read more...] about A Message of Thanks from LYSB to the Old Lyme Police, Community
Letter to the Editor: Elect Greenwood to BOE, Obtain His Project Manager Experience for Free
To the Editor: The challenge for Old Lyme is to continue to pay and maintain our excellent school teachers and support staff while keeping taxes at reasonable levels. In Max Greenwood, an independent candidate for school board, we have a senior project manager who has over 25 years in construction, management, and maintenance. His proven ability to work with contractors, … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Elect Greenwood to BOE, Obtain His Project Manager Experience for Free
Letter to the Editor: BOE Democratic Slate is Strong, Offers Variety of Relevant Experience
To the Editor : I am running for re-election as an Alternate on the Old Lyme Board of Finance. In the course of preparing for the November 5 election, I have gotten to know the other Democratic Party candidates. They are all well-qualified, effective leaders who are seeking office for the right reasons. I urge you to vote for them. In particular, please examine the … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: BOE Democratic Slate is Strong, Offers Variety of Relevant Experience
Letter to the Editor: Vote the Democratic Slate on Nov. 5
To the Editor: I ask voters to support the Old Lyme Democratic candidates in the Nov. 5 election. First Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder has remarkable leadership and management skills: she researches issues, listens to all viewpoints, promotes cooperation among diverse groups, and translates ideas into action. Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal has shown energy and enthusiasm in … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Vote the Democratic Slate on Nov. 5
Estuary Council Says Thanks to Community, Supporters
To the Editor: The Estuary Council of Seniors, Inc. (ECSI) is the sole provider of Meals On Wheels to homebound seniors in the nine Estuary towns of Lyme, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook, Westbrook, Clinton, Killingworth, Chester, Deep River, and Essex, and Madison. We also provide noon meals for active seniors in four café sites. Just about every family on the Shoreline knows … [Read more...] about Estuary Council Says Thanks to Community, Supporters
Letter to the Editor: Drug Paraphernalia on Sale in Old Lyme Store
To the Editor: I recently went to the Bestway Store in Old Lyme to purchase milk. I was stunned to see “Drug Paraphernalia” on several shelves as I walked into the store. In all honesty I probably should have just walked out without purchasing my milk … long story short, I did not. As I waited to be checked out, I thought I should tell the person behind the register … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Drug Paraphernalia on Sale in Old Lyme Store