Editor's Note: We received this letter last Thursday but were unable to open it. The author re-sent it numerous times but the problem persisted. She has finally solved the issue and so, in light of those circumstances, we are now publishing it now. Consequently, we will accept comments or letters responding directly to this letter through 11 p.m. Monday. No other comments or … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Re-elect Powell-St. Louis to Region 18 BOE, Her ‘Passion and Track Record’ Make Her ‘Outstanding Choice’ for Lyme
Letter to the Editor: Vote for Change on BOE; Current Board Lacks Transparency, Chair Runs it as ‘Personal Fiefdom’
To the Editor: The current Republican-dominated Board of Education has been an unmitigated disaster, from a consistent lack of transparency, to the glaring inexperience of the Chairman, Steven Wilson, who clearly has no idea how to run a meeting. As a parent who has spoken at the Board of Education several times over the years, I was surprised that after an incendiary … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Vote for Change on BOE; Current Board Lacks Transparency, Chair Runs it as ‘Personal Fiefdom’
Letter to the Editor: BOE Discussion of Public Comment Policy Showed General Lack of Concern for Transparency
To the Editor: An Open Letter to The Region 18 Board of Education I watched the live stream of the November 1st Board of Education meeting and was troubled by the discourse and discussion around public comment policies. It showed a general lack of concern for transparency and public awareness of what business the Board of Education would discuss at meetings, and a … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: BOE Discussion of Public Comment Policy Showed General Lack of Concern for Transparency
Letter to the Editor: Vote Powell-St. Louis for Region 18 BOE, Lyme Residents ‘Deserve a Contest of Ideas, not a Barrage of Deception’
To the Editor: I am writing as a progressive Democrat to encourage all others to reelect Republican Mary Powell-St. Louis to the Region 18 School Board. Despite my readiness to argue politics, I assume that all people, regardless of political persuasion, want what is best for their children—and for other people’s children. I have no doubt that Gavin Lodge does so. Indeed, … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Vote Powell-St. Louis for Region 18 BOE, Lyme Residents ‘Deserve a Contest of Ideas, not a Barrage of Deception’
Letter to the Editor: Stakes High in This Election, Vote Lowry, Fogliano, Brown for Region 18 BOE; They Have Skills, Experience Not in Existence on Current Board
To the Editor: Often, in local elections, our choices can feel minor, like they won't amount to much. In this election, however, the stakes are high, and our choices matter. We need candidates who have the courage to do the right thing, and represent all the people in Old Lyme -- not just a loud minority. Because of these heightened stakes, I’m excited to vote for … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Stakes High in This Election, Vote Lowry, Fogliano, Brown for Region 18 BOE; They Have Skills, Experience Not in Existence on Current Board
Letter to the Editor: Re-elect Mary Powell-St. Louis to Region 18 Board of Education, She Continuously Demonstrates Her Focus on Putting All Kids First
To the Editor: Numerous Letters to the Editor and OpEd's have been published in LymeLine, CTExaminer, and The Day, recommending Mary Powell-St Louis' re-election to our Board of Education (BOE). I know Mary personally and, as a moderate, independent voter, would like to add my endorsement. Mary and I served together for nearly a decade as volunteer adult leaders of our … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Re-elect Mary Powell-St. Louis to Region 18 Board of Education, She Continuously Demonstrates Her Focus on Putting All Kids First
Letter to the Editor: Re-elect Powell-St. Louis as Lyme Member of Region 18 BOE; She Has ‘Remarkable Set of Attributes,’ Making Her ‘an Exceptional Candidate’
To the Editor: I am writing this letter to express my wholehearted and enthusiastic support for my esteemed colleague, Mary [Powell St. Louis], who is running for reelection to the Board of Education. I have had the privilege of working closely with her on the Board of Education for four years (one year as Chair with her serving as Vice Chair) and on the Facilities and … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Re-elect Powell-St. Louis as Lyme Member of Region 18 BOE; She Has ‘Remarkable Set of Attributes,’ Making Her ‘an Exceptional Candidate’
Letter to the Editor: Choose Gavin Lodge as Lyme Member of Region 18 BOE; He Will ‘Work Tirelessly’, Insure Children Receive ‘Open, Unbiased Education’
To the Editor: Gavin Lodge is a wonderful choice for Board of Education. He will work tirelessly for our children, insuring that they receive an open and unbiased education. Gavin is the father of two children in LOL [Lyme-Old Lyme] schools and knows and understands the importance of parental involvement in all facets of their education. Giving young people access to all … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Choose Gavin Lodge as Lyme Member of Region 18 BOE; He Will ‘Work Tirelessly’, Insure Children Receive ‘Open, Unbiased Education’
Letter to the Editor: From Coastie to Educator to Public Servant, Presti Will Strengthen BOE for Old Lyme
To the Editor: On November 7th, the Old Lyme voters have an opportunity to substantially strengthen the collective knowledge and leadership depth of the Regional School District 18 Board of Education. This can be achieved by electing Michael Presti. As a fellow Coast Guard spouse and former teacher, I wholeheartedly believe Mike brings his experience and perspective … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: From Coastie to Educator to Public Servant, Presti Will Strengthen BOE for Old Lyme
Letter to the Editor: Re-elect ‘Invaluable’ Mary Powell St. Louis to Region 18 BOE for Lyme, She Offers ‘Executive, Medical, Family, Lyme Community’ Experience
To the Editor: As an unaffiliated voter, I take a lot of time to research each candidate I vote for. Although time consuming, this research fine-tunes my critical thinking so I come out with a solid decision. I do not take any cues from our national political parties. I have spent countless hours researching the two candidates for election to one of Lyme seats on the … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Re-elect ‘Invaluable’ Mary Powell St. Louis to Region 18 BOE for Lyme, She Offers ‘Executive, Medical, Family, Lyme Community’ Experience
Letter to the Editor: Elect Fogliano to BOE; She Has Prodigious Talents, Will Maximize Tax Dollars With Common Sense Approach
To the Editor: It is with great confidence that I endorse Susan Fogliano for Board of Education member in the upcoming election. Ms Fogliano has lived in Old Lyme for nearly 32 years and served as a member of our Board of Education for 16 years between 1995 and 2011, and also as Chair of the Board during her tenure. As Board Chairperson, she oversaw completion of a long-term … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Elect Fogliano to BOE; She Has Prodigious Talents, Will Maximize Tax Dollars With Common Sense Approach
Letter to the Editor: Lyme Voters Should Elect Lodge to BOE; Committed, Involved in Community, Cognizant of Balance Between Quality Education and its Cost
To the Editor: What is necessary to qualify a person to hold an elected office in a town? Plenty of information is circulated about the candidates at the top of the ballot, but as you go down, much less information is available. How do voters make decisions on whom to vote for? The foremost prerequisite is commitment and involvement in service to the community. Have … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Lyme Voters Should Elect Lodge to BOE; Committed, Involved in Community, Cognizant of Balance Between Quality Education and its Cost
Letter to the Editor: Lodge, ‘a Fierce Opponent of Book Censorship,’ Will Serve Lyme Families Well on Region 18 BOE
To the Editor: I write in support of Gavin Lodge as the Lyme representative to the Region 18 Board of Education. Lodge will serve Lyme and its youth well. He is a father of two children in our schools, a past public school PTO co-president. He is active in Lyme’s Sustainable Committee and other town commissions. He is the executive director of 4A Arts, a national … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Lodge, ‘a Fierce Opponent of Book Censorship,’ Will Serve Lyme Families Well on Region 18 BOE
Letter to the Editor: Resident Has Right to Call for BOE Members, Who Signed Petition Against ‘Book-Banning’, to Resign; But Forgets They Were Elected, That Others Also Have ‘Parental Rights’
** COMMENTING IS NOW CLOSED ON THIS LETTER ** To the Editor: At a Region 18 Board of Education meeting on October 4, an Old Lyme resident presented a public comment, asking all Democratic BOE members to step down (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zSCLbbfvcM) - [it is about 10 mins in]. His reasoning is that those members support internet pornography for children. This is … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Resident Has Right to Call for BOE Members, Who Signed Petition Against ‘Book-Banning’, to Resign; But Forgets They Were Elected, That Others Also Have ‘Parental Rights’
Old Lyme Rowing/Blood Street Sculls Members Qualify for 2024 Paris Olympics at World Rowing Championships
BELGRADE, SERBIA -- Numerous Old Lyme Rowing Association / Blood Street Sculls members represented the United States in the 2023 World Rowing Championships held Sept. 3-10 in Belgrade, Serbia. Liam Corrigan, who graduated from Lyme-Old Lyme High School (LOLHS) in 2015, stroked the Men’s Four to a silver medal, qualifying the boat for the Paris Olympics in 2024. … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Rowing/Blood Street Sculls Members Qualify for 2024 Paris Olympics at World Rowing Championships