LYME -- On Saturday, Nov. 11, at 11 a.m. — the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year, which in 1918 marked the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I – the Lyme Veterans Committee held a Veterans Day Ceremony. The ceremony took place at the Lyme Veterans Memorial next to Town Hall. The speaker was Trever … [Read more...] about Lyme Veterans Committee Holds Poignant Veterans Day Ceremony
Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Celebrate Veterans Day with Words and Music, Flags and Food
OLD LYME -- Lyme-Old Lyme Schools commemorated Veterans Day with a breakfast for local veterans followed by ceremonies in each school incorporating speeches, music and singing to honor all veterans. Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Superintendent Ian Neviaser told LymeLine exclusively by text, "We held ceremonies first at the middle school and then at the high school. Both were well … [Read more...] about Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Celebrate Veterans Day with Words and Music, Flags and Food
Election Night Memories in Old Lyme: A Photo Essay
OLD LYME -- It was an intense night of names and numbers as votes from the day's election were tallied, checked, balanced, re-checked and then reviewed one last time. There were smiles and tears, and claps and cheers. Breath was held and then expelled. Hugs and high-fives were happening, and finally the dust settled as the results became a reality -- until four recounts were … [Read more...] about Election Night Memories in Old Lyme: A Photo Essay
Open House Voters Choose Glulam Option for Bridge Over Lieutenant River, Halls Rd. Improvement Committee Presents Survey Results
OLD LYME -- On Sept. 30 and Oct. 5, the Halls Rd. Improvement Committee hosted Open Houses to present two options for the Lieutenant River Trails and Bridge. Ninety-two people viewed the presentation and 64 voted with some voting for some elements but not others. The overall results of the voting were as follows: Two important questions cropped up frequently. The first … [Read more...] about Open House Voters Choose Glulam Option for Bridge Over Lieutenant River, Halls Rd. Improvement Committee Presents Survey Results
Full, Unofficial Results of Nov. 7 Election for Old Lyme
OLD LYME: A total of 3,535 Old Lyme electors cast their votes in yesterday's municipal election. This total includes absentee ballots and people who both registered to vote yesterday and voted the same day. The candidates who have been elected are in bold in the listing below. A recount is predicted for the third seat on the Region 18 Board of Education between Alexander … [Read more...] about Full, Unofficial Results of Nov. 7 Election for Old Lyme
Democrats Sweep Board of Ed., Fogliano is Top Vote-Getter, Current Chair Wilson Loses Seat
OLD LYME -- Yesterday's election saw all three Democratic-endorsed candidates seeking Old Lyme seats on the Region 18 Board of Education -- Susan P. Fogliano, W. Scott Brown and Alexander Lowry -- gain seats on the board. The two incumbent Republican Region 18 Board members, who were seeking reelection -- Steven J. Wilson and Suzanne Thompson -- have at this point failed … [Read more...] about Democrats Sweep Board of Ed., Fogliano is Top Vote-Getter, Current Chair Wilson Loses Seat
Democrats Take Control of Old Lyme BOS, Shoemaker to Become First Selectwoman; Lampos (D), Read (R) Join Board as Selectmen
OLD LYME -- On Tuesday, incumbent Old Lyme (OL) Selectwoman Martha Shoemaker (D) and fellow Democrat Jim Lampos were elected to the OL Board of Selectmen taking back control of the board after four years of Republican leadership. The third member of the BOS will be Jude Read , who garnered more votes than her campaign partner John Mesham. Absentee ballots were significant in … [Read more...] about Democrats Take Control of Old Lyme BOS, Shoemaker to Become First Selectwoman; Lampos (D), Read (R) Join Board as Selectmen
Democrat Lodge Wins Contested BOE Seat in Lyme Ousting Incumbent Powell-St. Louis
LYME, CT. -- Newcomer Gavin Lodge (D) defeated Republican incumbent Mary Powell-St. Louis by 586 to 347 votes. None of the other seats in Lyme was contested. The Lyme Democratic Town Committee issued the following statement after the results had been announced: "Upon learning the results of today’s municipal election, Lyme Democratic Town Committee (DTC) Chairman John … [Read more...] about Democrat Lodge Wins Contested BOE Seat in Lyme Ousting Incumbent Powell-St. Louis
Letter to the Editor: Region 18 BOE Lyme Incumbent Powell-St. Louis ‘Not in Step With’ National Republicans, But Her Actions Suggest Otherwise
To the Editor: This letter is in response to Amanda Novak's Letter to the Editor published Nov. 5 on LymeLine under the title, "Re-elect Powell-St. Louis to Region 18 BOE, Her ‘Passion and Track Record’ Make Her ‘Outstanding Choice’ for Lyme." While she is a doctor, Mary Powell-St. Louis has not endorsed women’s rights to control their own healthcare, including access to … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Region 18 BOE Lyme Incumbent Powell-St. Louis ‘Not in Step With’ National Republicans, But Her Actions Suggest Otherwise
Letter to the Editor: Re-elect Powell-St. Louis to Region 18 BOE, Her ‘Passion and Track Record’ Make Her ‘Outstanding Choice’ for Lyme
Editor's Note: We received this letter last Thursday but were unable to open it. The author re-sent it numerous times but the problem persisted. She has finally solved the issue and so, in light of those circumstances, we are now publishing it now. Consequently, we will accept comments or letters responding directly to this letter through 11 p.m. Monday. No other comments or … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Re-elect Powell-St. Louis to Region 18 BOE, Her ‘Passion and Track Record’ Make Her ‘Outstanding Choice’ for Lyme
Boro Recognized for his Decades-Long, Major Contributions to the Arts, Both Locally, Nationally, at Recent Reception
OLD LYME -- In the early evening of Saturday's brilliant weather, friends and family gathered at Studio 80 + Sculpture Grounds for the 2023 Summer Sculpture Showcase Closing Reception and to celebrate the artistic legacy that founder and artist Gilbert Boro brought to the Old Lyme location. Throughout the evening Boro was surrounded by well-wishers on his upcoming retirement … [Read more...] about Boro Recognized for his Decades-Long, Major Contributions to the Arts, Both Locally, Nationally, at Recent Reception
Letter to the Editor: Vote for Change on BOE; Current Board Lacks Transparency, Chair Runs it as ‘Personal Fiefdom’
To the Editor: The current Republican-dominated Board of Education has been an unmitigated disaster, from a consistent lack of transparency, to the glaring inexperience of the Chairman, Steven Wilson, who clearly has no idea how to run a meeting. As a parent who has spoken at the Board of Education several times over the years, I was surprised that after an incendiary … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Vote for Change on BOE; Current Board Lacks Transparency, Chair Runs it as ‘Personal Fiefdom’
Letter to the Editor: Retiring After 30 Years, Old Lyme Tax Collector Thanks Residents for Support; Endorses Thompson as Her Successor
To the Editor: For thirty years I have proudly served as your Tax Collector, and I thank you for your continued support over the years in re-electing me for this position. This month, I will be retiring as Tax Collector for the Town of Old Lyme. I would like to take this opportunity to show my support for Suzanne Thompson to be your new Tax Collector. Suzanne … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Retiring After 30 Years, Old Lyme Tax Collector Thanks Residents for Support; Endorses Thompson as Her Successor
Letter to the Editor: Conclusions Being Reached on Halls Rd. Project Without Understanding Facts
To the Editor: It is very frustrating to see people reaching conclusions about Halls Road without obtaining the facts. The town is not hiring a developer!. Property owners can choose to keep their buildings right where they are and not move them.The overlay is an option that they take advantage of or not. If they do choose it, they pick a contractor not the town. The … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Conclusions Being Reached on Halls Rd. Project Without Understanding Facts
Letter to the Editor: BOE Discussion of Public Comment Policy Showed General Lack of Concern for Transparency
To the Editor: An Open Letter to The Region 18 Board of Education I watched the live stream of the November 1st Board of Education meeting and was troubled by the discourse and discussion around public comment policies. It showed a general lack of concern for transparency and public awareness of what business the Board of Education would discuss at meetings, and a … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: BOE Discussion of Public Comment Policy Showed General Lack of Concern for Transparency