LYME — This year's parade in Lyme celebrating our country's 248th birthday was full of all its usual delights including music, marchers and much merriment ... though missing the muskets of yesteryear. Enjoy our photo essay of the grand event. … [Read more...] about Lyme’s Hometown Parade Offers Traditional Delights on July 4th—More Photos Added
Independence Day Boat Parade Sails to Success on Rogers Lake
OLD LYME — Friends and neighbors joined with residents of Rogers Lake West Shores Association (RLWSA) for a (now) traditional Independence Day Boat Parade on Rogers Lake. The winners of the trophy for the "Most Enthusiastic, Patriotic, and Best Decorated Boat" were the King family, who are residents of the RLWSA. Seen awarding the trophy to the … [Read more...] about Independence Day Boat Parade Sails to Success on Rogers Lake
Community Foundation Grants of Almost $2.6 Million Address Inequities in Eastern CT, Grantmaking in Lyme/Old Lyme Totals Over $67K
NEW LONDON—The Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut has announced recent grant awards of nearly $2.6 million to advance equity through its six focus areas as follows: Between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024, the Community Foundation's Total grantmaking to organizations based in Lyme or Old Lyme was $67,617. The recipients were: Connecticut Audubon Society … [Read more...] about Community Foundation Grants of Almost $2.6 Million Address Inequities in Eastern CT, Grantmaking in Lyme/Old Lyme Totals Over $67K
‘The Estuary’ Celebrates 50 Years of Service with Fundraising Gala in September
OLD SAYBROOK/LYME/OLD LYME—In celebration of 50 years of dedicated service to the community, The Estuary is thrilled to announce a fundraising gala to be held on Sept. 28, 2024. The event will take place at the historic Essex Steam Train Station, located at 1 Railroad Ave. in Essex, from 6 to 10 p.m. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Meals on Wheels program. The … [Read more...] about ‘The Estuary’ Celebrates 50 Years of Service with Fundraising Gala in September
Letter to the Editor: Old Lyme Historical Society Gives Thanks to All Who Made Hydrangea Sale a Success
To the Editor: The Old Lyme Historical Society Inc. (OLHSI) would like to thank all the OLHSI volunteers, who assisted with their Hydrangeas Galore Plant Sale last weekend, and everyone who visited the Sale. All the plants were generously donated by the Comstock Family Nursery in Old Lyme, and 100 percent of the proceeds will benefit the Society's Carol Noyes Winters … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Old Lyme Historical Society Gives Thanks to All Who Made Hydrangea Sale a Success
Inaugural ‘StoryWalk ®’ Opens at Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center
OLD LYME—On Friday, June 28, representatives of Old Lyme's Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library celebrated the opening of the new StoryWalk® in memory of the late Agnes O’Connor at the Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center (RTPEC)'s Sunken Garden. The RTPEC is located on the site of the former Bee & Thistle Inn. After a brief dedication, participants were invited to enjoy … [Read more...] about Inaugural ‘StoryWalk ®’ Opens at Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center
Juneteenth Joyfully Celebrated at FloGris Museum with Jazz & Poetry
OLD LYME—On Saturday, June 22, Witness Stones Old Lyme presented a celebratory event filled with jazz and poetry on the lawn of the Florence Griswold Museum. This event honored Juneteenth, a federal holiday celebrating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans, and offered a vibrant fusion of music and spoken word. Over 150 attendees experienced a powerful, moving, and … [Read more...] about Juneteenth Joyfully Celebrated at FloGris Museum with Jazz & Poetry
Local Vets Complete Training as Veterans Representatives for Towns of Lyme, Old Lyme, Killingworth
ROCKY HILL, CT/LYME/OLD LYME—On June 14, the Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) conducted an annual training program for the Veterans Representatives of each Connecticut municipality. The event was held at the main VA campus at Rocky Hill, Conn. Completed training certificates were handed out by Ronald P. Welch, Commissioner, Connecticut Department of … [Read more...] about Local Vets Complete Training as Veterans Representatives for Towns of Lyme, Old Lyme, Killingworth
Clarifications on Project Status Update From Halls Rd. Improvement Committee
OLD LYME —LymeLine reader William Folland raised the need for some clarifications on the project status update we posted Saturday from the Halls Rd. Improvement Committee (HRIC). Halls Rd. Improvement Committee Chair Edie Twining has now responded to Folland's requests for clarification. We felt it would be helpful to our readers to post both comments 'side by side,' … [Read more...] about Clarifications on Project Status Update From Halls Rd. Improvement Committee
Summer Arts Programs for Teens Kicks Off, Registration Still Open
LYME/OLD LYME—Teens in Lyme and Old Lyme are invited to unleash their creativity with the fourth season of Lymes Creative Arts, a vibrant summer arts program. This year's lineup includes exciting new classes such as hip-hop dance, a drama workshop, and dyeing with natural materials, alongside popular returning courses such as filmmaking and ceramic mosaic-making. These … [Read more...] about Summer Arts Programs for Teens Kicks Off, Registration Still Open
Oh, What a Fun-Filled Night of Music!
OLD LYME—Despite the vagaries of the weather, more than 300 people came out onto Lyme Street Friday evening to enjoy the sights and sounds of 'Make Music Old Lyme.' The event kicked off at 4 p.m. with a popular, family-themed concert by the effervescent Sunny Train at LYSB. The Make Music Old Lyme celebration spanned Lyme Street from the First Congregational Church of … [Read more...] about Oh, What a Fun-Filled Night of Music!
Project Status Update from Halls Road Improvement Committee
OLD LYME—On Monday, June 17,, the Halls Road Improvement Committee (HRIC) met with the Old Lyme Board of Selectmen and presented a document summarizing the status of the project. The HRIC Chair Edie Twining asked if we would be willing to publish the document as she felt it would be of interest to our readers. We are happy to oblige and the document is published in its entirety … [Read more...] about Project Status Update from Halls Road Improvement Committee
High Hopes Names New Executive Director, Celebrates 50th Anniversary
OLD LYME—Celebrating its 50th anniversary with an annual gala that generated more than $500,000 in philanthropic support, High Hopes Therapeutic Riding has announced that its new executive director, effective July 1, 2024, will be Missy Lamont. She joined the High Hopes team in December 2023 as director of operations and has worked closely with Interim Executive Director … [Read more...] about High Hopes Names New Executive Director, Celebrates 50th Anniversary
Old Lyme South End Ambulance Association Celebrates Receipt of New Ambulance with Ribbon-Cutting
OLD LYME—On Thursday, June 13, the Old Lyme South End Volunteer Ambulance Association celebrated the receipt of a new ambulance with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The event was held at the Cross Lane Fire Station. The ambulance, which was purchased through a grant from the Town of Old Lyme American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, is being put into immediate service. … [Read more...] about Old Lyme South End Ambulance Association Celebrates Receipt of New Ambulance with Ribbon-Cutting
Lyme Art Association Hosts Three New Shows Through July 18
OLD LYME--The Lyme Art Association (LAA) is currently hosting three new shows, which are on view through July 18. Featuring the work of LAA’s member artists, Expanding Visions includes everything from hyper-realism to abstract works in a memorable exhibition. Running concurrently is the Hudson Valley Art Association’s 91st Annual Juried Exhibition. … [Read more...] about Lyme Art Association Hosts Three New Shows Through July 18