Editor’s Note: We received this op-ed from Old Lyme resident Hiram E. Manville IV, who states he was, “Born and raised in Old Lyme (1972)” and is a, “Concerned parent, raising our two- and five-year-olds here in Old Lyme.”
The proposed Halls Road Overlay District (HROD) threatens to permanently alter Old Lyme, overwhelming our infrastructure, endangering the environment, and destroying the character of our town. This reckless plan prioritizes large-scale urbanization over the needs of our community. We must act now to stop it, or the following can happen to our town.
1. Uncontrolled Population Surge
The plan allows up to 40 residential units per acre, potentially bringing thousands of new residents. With 40 acres of developable land, this means up to 1,600 new housing units. This will lead to a major population surge, overwhelming our schools, emergency services, traffic infrastructure, and town resources.
Where It’s Stated in the Proposal:
- HROD Proposal (Sections 1-4) – Page 6, Section (Special Permit Uses)
- “No more than 40 dwelling units shall be built per one acre of land.”
- HROD Appendix – Page 3, Section 5.14.4 (Lot and Bulk Standards)
- “Maximum building height: 3 stories, up to 35 feet.”
2. Traffic Gridlock & Road Safety Hazards
Halls Road is a major traffic artery. The addition of on-street parking and increased commercial activity will cause severe congestion and safety hazards, making accidents and emergency response delays inevitable.
Where It’s Stated in the Proposal:
- HROD Proposal – Page 10, Section 5.14.8 (Parking Requirements)
- “Parking required for the customers and patrons of non-residential uses may be met through a combination of on-street, off-site, and on-site parking.”
3. Environmental & Sewage Catastrophe
Allowing off-site septic systems poses a severe risk to wetlands, drinking water, and local ecosystems. There is no clear infrastructure plan to handle the massive wastewater output this development will generate.
Where It’s Stated in the Proposal:
- HROD Proposal – Page 6, Section (Special Permit Uses)
- “Certification of compliance with sewage restrictions shall be provided upon request.”
This shows there is no clear plan for handling increased sewage waste, leaving room for future problems.
4. Massive Overdevelopment & Loss of Small-Town Charm
Buildings up to three stories, 200 feet long, and covering 75% of lot frontages will transform Old Lyme into a dense commercial district, destroying its historic charm and small-town character.
Where It’s Stated in the Proposal:
- HROD Proposal – Page 3, Section (Lot and Bulk Standards for Qualifying Projects)
- “Maximum building height: 3 stories, with allowance for a pitched roof to a maximum height of 35′ at peak.”
- “Buildings must occupy at least 75% of the lot’s Halls Road frontage, but no single building shall exceed 200’ in length or contain a footprint in excess of 20,000 square feet.”
This confirms massive building footprints, leading to a commercialized, city-like landscape.
5. Parking Garages & Commercial Sprawl
Three-story parking garages and massive commercial development will replace open space—replacing small-town charm with an urban-scale, city-like environment that caters to developers rather than residents.
Where It’s Stated in the Proposal:
- HROD Proposal – Page 10, Section 5.14.8 (Parking Requirements)
- “Parking garages may be permitted when they are part of a building or structure with an approved HROD use.”
- “A standalone parking structure must be set back 120 feet from Halls Road and screened to minimize visual impact.”
This confirms the introduction of large parking structures, which contradicts the town’s historic character.
6. Developer Control & Limited Resident Oversight
A small, unelected three-person committee will have final say on zoning approvals. This removes public input from crucial town planning decisions and hands control over to private developers.
Where It’s Stated in the Proposal:
- HROD Proposal – Page 4, Section 5.14.5 (Design Review Committee)
- “The Halls Road Overlay District Design Review Committee shall consist of three residents of Old Lyme.”
This confirms zoning decisions will be in the hands of just 3 people, limiting community oversight.
7. No Limit on the Number of Housing Units
Despite claims of a 400-unit cap, the zoning language allows up to 1,600 units across 40 acres. If we allow this zoning to be approved, there will be no stopping further expansions.
Where It’s Stated in the Proposal:
- HROD Proposal – Page 6, Section (Special Permit Uses – Multi-Family Housing)
- “No more than 40 dwelling units shall be built per one acre of land.”
Since the overlay district is approximately 40 acres, this means up to 1,600 units could technically be built.
Conclusion & Call to Action
We must act now. If this proposal passes, there is no going back. The small-town character of Old Lyme will be permanently lost. Residents must:
- Attend town meetings and speak out – especially April 9, 6:30pm @ LOLHS
- Write to zoning officials demanding they reject this plan.
- Share this information with neighbors and community groups.
- Sign petitions and urge friends to get involved.
Contact Information for Zoning Officials:
- Email: Eric Knapp <[email protected]>
- Email: Craig Bonatti <[email protected]>
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: (860) 434-1605 ext. 210
- Address: Memorial Town Hall, 52 Lyme St, Old Lyme, CT 06371
Thank you for your time and consideration of this important matter,
In service,
Hiram E Manville, Old Lyme.
What is so obvious to so many in our community yet is being promoted by some or our elected officials is just mind blowing.
Elections have consequences, we can stop proposals, like the overlay by electing reasonable town leaders in the upcoming municipal elections later this year. This begins with a new occupant in the front office of our town hall.