Editor’s Note: This op-ed was submitted by Old Lyme residents Jill and Russell Todd.
We write to express our deep concern regarding the Halls Road Overlay District (HROD) proposal recently presented to the [Old Lyme] Zoning Commission and the lack of public scrutiny and acceptance surrounding this plan.
What was sold to the community as a charming, village-like vision has revealed itself to be a high-density urban blueprint that would fundamentally alter Old Lyme, replacing its historic rural character with the kind of overdevelopment seen along I-95.
This is not just an interpretation; it is a direct reflection of the allowances in the proposal. A development of 40 units per acre, 200ft frontage buildings with even larger non-frontage buildings, and three-story parking garages represents a significant shift towards a higher-density model that typically defines urban suburban areas.
During the last Zoning Commission meeting, the Halls Road Improvement Committee (HRIC) justified these building parameters by claiming this level of density and scale is necessary to attract developers. However, this change raises serious questions about the long-term vision for our town.
When challenged by members of the Zoning Commission, the justification changed. Suddenly, the HRIC and their lawyer reassured us that “safeguards” were in place to prevent the very type of overdevelopment that the regulations explicitly permit. This assurance feels contradictory and alarming.
These are our concerns about the safeguards mentioned:
1. Zoning Approval will be a rubber stamp – Although zoning approval is necessary for individual projects under the overlay, what real power will the Zoning Commission realistically hold if the regulations permit high-density residential developments, large-scale retail buildings, and parking garages? If the overlay is approved, developers will undoubtedly seek to take full advantage of its provisions, making it very challenging for the Zoning Commission to deny proposals that meet these criteria.
2. Design Committee lacks credible oversight – The proposal calls for a pre-application process and establishes a three-person design committee to oversee design guidelines. However, the committee’s composition, scope of authority, and accountability are unclear, leaving its role ambiguous.
3. Septic Limitations are temporary – Traditional septic systems can create density constraints. However, advancements in above-ground alternatives and continuously improving technology could increase septic capacity, thereby reducing this constraint.
4. Parking Restrictions are gone – Parking, which used to be a significant limiting factor for development, has essentially been removed as a safeguard. Developers can now depend on parking garages to meet parking requirements.
None of these measures provide adequate safeguards against determined developers and their experienced legal teams, which could make high-density urban development in the primary artery of rural Old Lyme a reality.
We attended many of the HRIC’s “open houses” over the years and came away with the impression that the verbal assurances and visual illustrations presented during those forums aligned with a vision of a “village feel.” However, the current regulations outlined in the application bear little resemblance to that vision. With over 700 signatures (and counting) on a recent petition opposing this overlay, it’s clear we are not alone in our concerns.
While we support the idea of responsible development along Halls Road, such development must align with the community’s shared vision and the character of Old Lyme. To ensure this alignment, we recommend the following:
1. Comprehensive Review: A professional assessment should define appropriate size, scale, and density dimensions driven by the town’s needs, rather than developer imposed. Considerations should include traffic flow, accessibility, septic system requirements, water usage, water runoff, environmental impacts, and the overall aesthetics of the town as examples.
2. Visual Confirmation: Create professional scaled plans and elevation renderings to clearly illustrate the potential impact of the proposed regulations across the entire overlay zone at maximum capacity.
3. Community Engagement: At a minimum, a town-wide presentation should be held prior to any zoning changes, providing an opportunity for public questions and answers. Ideally, a zoning change of this magnitude would be put to a vote and decided by the citizens.
This is not about opposing progress; instead, it is about ensuring that any progress aligns with the community’s collective aspiration for a village-like community in keeping with Old Lyme.
We urge the Board of Selectmen, Zoning Commission and all town leaders to listen to the growing concerns of Old Lyme residents and businesses and request the Zoning Commission reject the HROD proposal in its current form. The proposed overlay and the associated process need to be reevaluated to ensure they meet the community’s needs and values. Thoughtful, transparent planning and meaningful public engagement will facilitate development that enhances Halls Road without compromising Old Lyme’s identity.
The Halls Road Development Committee should never had been appointed , and under direct supervision of Old Lymes Board of Selectman (BOS), it should have been appointed and under the supervision of either the Planning or Zoning Commission.
Old Lymes BOS neither have the expertise or the time to properly guide this most important project. As a former, but brief, member of the Halls Road Committee it became obvious that any honest discussion concerning the overlay proposal was not welcome by the Chairperson of that committee.
An earlier version of the overlay plan was pulled from consideration by the previous First Selectman, it’s time that the current First Selectman do the same with this latest version.
In my humble opinion, Jill and Russel Todd have presented a well thought out proposed alternative to the HROD initiative. Their presentation does not insult or denigrate fellow citizens who are expressing differing opinions. Let’s move forward on this issue in a civil manner that ultimately should result in a vote by all Old Lyme citizens.
I am left wondering why this is buried in the Op-Ed section instead with all of the other letters…
If you click on the “Letters’ tab at the top of the page, links to all the Letters we have received are there in the order in which they were received. If you click on the ‘Op-Eds’ tab, links to all the Op-Eds we have received are there in the order in which they were received. Hope that helps.