To the Editor:
I am writing to voice my disagreement with the [Halls Road Overlay District] proposal as currently written.
There has been a lot of discussion regarding the proposed density of housing. It’s not 600 and I seriously doubt it’s 250 as the HRIC [Halls Road Improvement Committee] claims (with no basis, mind you). It all revolves around the “40 units per acre”. If that is not envisioned, why is it in the reg [regulations]? Why not lower it to 20-25 units?
Secondly, the thought of any 3 story structures on the edge of Halls Road is so far removed from the “character of Lyme Street” it makes me wonder what the true intent is. Lyme street is predominately (stet) 1 and 2 story structures, with I believe 3-4 3 story structures, yet the reg. as proposed, limits 1 story structures. Why not limit the 3 story structures to areas not directly on/facing Halls Road?
Is there “on street parking” proposed for Halls Road? I could not find any. If not why? I understand it is a state road…but I can’t think of one shoreline town center that does not have it…even Lyme Street!
If the current zoning regulations are being reviewed/rewritten why should this “portion of that document” be approved…I say No.
I could go on and on but i feel as if (from written and voice record) that the committee has bought into the Pro developer proposed by Atty Sweeney. Imagine if our forefathers followed that ideology. Lyme Street would’ve never been kept in its current condition.
This change should be paused, further discussed, and proposed in a form that is agreeable to the majority of towns people.
Charles and Joan Meek,
Old Lyme.
Editor’s Note: This letter was also submitted to the Old Lyme Zoning Commission.
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