OLD LYME—UPDATED 1/12 10:20PM with links to additional Letters to the Editor: On Monday, Jan. 13, at 6:30 p.m. in the Memorial Town Hall Meeting Room, the Old Lyme Zoning Commission will hold its next regular monthly meeting. The agenda features two topics that have been sparking interest in the community.
The first is 43 Smith Neck Rd. in the RU-40 Zone, which is the subject of both a Continued Public Hearing and an Old Business item. The applicants, Jeffrey and Emily Merriam, are seeking a Special Permit to replace and construct a new five-bedroom residence with an attached two-car garage.
Visit this link to read a Letter to the Editor that offers an opinion about the project.
Visit this link to read a Letter to the Editor that raises concerns about well water supplies after completion of the project.
The agenda also notes in another item that a Public Hearing will be opened into a Petition to Amend the Old Lyme Zoning Regulations, Section 5.15 to create a Halls Road Overlay District allowing, among other items, mixed zoning use along Halls Road and the entire C-30S Zoning District, with associated architectural design guidelines. The applicant in this case is the Halls Road Improvement Committee (HRIC.)
The HRIC suggests residents interested in the project should bring written thoughts to read and submit, and make a statement for the record. Visit this link to read a Letter to the Editor urging supporters of the proposal to attend the meeting.
Attorney William Sweeney will describe the details of this optional Overlay District and answer questions.
The HRIC believes approval of this addition to Old Lyme’s Zoning is a vital step supporting the future prosperity and livability of Old Lyme.
The HRIC submits that the key features of its proposal are that it:
- Is totally optional; it allows but does not require change to any property.
- Keeps the shopping area vital and focused on Old Lyme, not the highway.
- Creates options for much needed apartment type housing.
- Balances housing stock without covering the remaining open land.
- Promotes creation of a safe, walkable, bike-able, mixed-use town center.
- Guides (via the Design Review process) development to be “like Old Lyme.”
- Promotes increased town revenues, reducing residents’ taxes.
The HRIC suggests readers visit this link for more information: https://www.oldlyme-ct.gov/343/Halls-Road-Improvements-Committee
This is a pipe dream! C30s only pertains to Halls Road and no other location in the town of Old Lyme.
This makes as much sense as putting in a 4 lane highway down the center of main street in Old Lyme and have it come out in front of the Old Lyme Country Club and what the heck have the state put in a Rotorary at the junction of 156.