Objective to Increase Number of Responses
LYME, CT—Some 400 residents have already completed the Town of Lyme’s community survey. The deadline for completing the survey has now been extended to Jan. 31 to encourage even greater participation.
In November, the Town mailed postcards to approximately 2,000 households in Lyme inviting them to take a community survey designed to gather the information and opinions that will serve as the basis for the Town’s 2025 “Plan of Conservation & Development.”
Each postcard contains a Survey ID Code assigned to an individual Lyme household, which residents can use to access and complete the 20-minute online survey.
On Jan. 3, the Town sent out another round of the postcards that should arrive in mailboxes the week of Jan. 6, with the goal of spurring additional participation. (Photos of the postcard appear below.)
Residents unable to fill out the survey online can request a paper copy, which can be completed and returned to Lyme Town Hall either by mail or in person. (There is a return box for the surveys in the main hallway.)
Lyme residents, who experience any problems taking the survey, should contact Lyme Planning & Zoning Commission member Carol House at 703-989-1334.
The survey invites Lyme residents to share their thoughts and opinions on topics that include transportation improvements, recycling initiatives, recreational services, emergency services, open space, property taxes, zoning regulations, dark-sky initiatives and affordable housing.
The survey results will be used to develop the Town’s next Plan of Conservation & Development, which will spell out the policies, goals, priorities and standards that will guide the Town’s physical and economic development over the next 10 years, and will be used by Town boards and commissions as a basis for decision-making.
The State of Connecticut requires towns to prepare and adopt a Plan of Conservation & Development every 10 years. Lyme’s last Plan of Conservation & Development was issued in 2015.
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