OLD LYME—Concerns regarding items being removed from gravesites at Duck River Cemetery have recently surfaced on Facebook. A phone call to our office then expanded on them.
We reached out by phone to the Old Lyme Cemetery Association (OLCA) to find out what the situation is.
Edward Pinn, who serves as the OLCA Vice President, explained that the Rules and Regulations detailing what can—and cannot—be left at gravesites were updated in March 2023.
These include the statement, “Glass jars, urns, statues, figurines, decorative tiles, hanging baskets, banners, pennants, ribbons, balloons, chimes, pinwheels, photographs, insignia, food, drink, eternal flames, solar lights, votive candles, and similar decorations/adornments are not permitted on gravesites or cemetery lots.”
Pinn noted that, “When someone buys a plot, they receive a copy of the regulations.”
He went on to explain that more attention has been paid to the regulations, “Over the last year to year and a half,” subsequent to the regulations being updated. The OLCA website notes additional reasons for the regulations stating they, “Safeguard the nearby wetlands, reduce litter, and facilitate maintenance and mowing.”
Pinn also commented that, “Over time, some gravesites have become cluttered,” and cemetery officials had received some negative comments regarding the appearance of the, “More contemporary sections” of the cemetery.
Pinn stressed, “When the Sextant has removed something [from a gravesite] … nothing has been thrown away.” All the items are recorded and safely retained by the Sextant. A form is available on the OLCA website at this link to request retrieval of any items that have been removed.
Pinn emphasized that the charge of the OLCA, which maintains eight burial places in Old Lyme, is to “Maintain the tranquility and dignity of the space.” He added, “The OLCA understands that not everyone was familiar with the updated rules, and items were not removed until after March 2023.”
Editor’s Notes: i) For more information about the Old Lyme Cemetery Association, visit their website at this link.
ii) Visit this link to read a summary of the Regulations for Gravesites and Cemetery Lots.
iii) Visit this link to download a copy of the Old Lyme Cemetery Association Rules and Regulations.