To the Editor:
Another day in America – another mass shooting. This time in a high school in Georgia. Lives snuffed out, lives ruined forever, families broken to bits.
A lot of pundits saying it is an outrage, an indictment of all the American people: “We allow this…”
No, we don’t. The vast majority of Americans want stricter gun safety measures. The politicians allow it. The NRA allows it. We The People do not! We must vote out NRA “A rated” members of Congress.
The major cause of death in Americans aged 1-19 is gun violence. What an unbelievable disgrace.
As a nurse, pediatric nurse practitioner and mental health specialist, I have taken care of victims of gun violence. I have comforted kids who have lost a beloved family member to gun violence.
June was Gun Violence Prevention Month. A big part of that is prevention by safe storage of guns. So many gun deaths are accidental. What is inflammatory or threatening about that? The killer in Georgia used his father’s unsecured weapon of mass destruction.
I stressed this in my outreach to leaders of our town. Safe storage saves lives. I encouraged the town to adopt Governor Lamont’s declaration. The answer was no.
I have no words … what a lack of courage and conviction. This is not my town.
One parent in Georgia stated to the media, “It couldn’t happen here!” Of course it could with corrupt and uncaring politicians, including at the local level.
I think it is important for District 18 parents to know – your kids will never be safe at school. Don’t be naïve and don’t quit until you get the complete dedication of your General Assembly representatives. This is supposed to be a representative government. Be strong.
Betsy Groth APRN, PMHS,C retired,
Old Lyme.
Editor’s Note: The author is a Children’s’ Health Advocate and member of CT Against Gun Violence.