To the Editor:
Normally, politics are not my thing. I am much too pre-occupied living. But this year, in Old Lyme, I am paying attention.
I am paying attention because there are so many critical decisions that must be made in the next two years, that could change our little town forever. Let’s get it right. Our local media has done a great job providing us with all the information we need to make sound electoral decisions. I urge you to spend the next few minutes reading the Selectmen’s online interviews or reviewing the October 23rd candidate debate. It’s all there for us – just a click away.
Decisions regarding Halls Road, the senior center expansion, the beach communities, Rogers Lake, housing – all very complex, and all I expect will require hundreds of lengthy documents and contracts that will need to be analyzed.
In Jim Lampos we have a candidate that not only has experience with municipal contracts (New York City Urban Planning) but actually has a Masters degree in municipal contract analysis. What a rarity and just what this town needs right now.
Martha Shoemaker, our current Selectwoman, the only candidate to successfully complete the CT Municipal Officer CCM certification, has already demonstrated to all her high level of competency and dedication. She has her finger on the pulse of Old Lyme, and Old Lyme simply cannot afford to lose that. Two very qualified candidates, wanting to serve.
Vote! Yes! But look past the glossy postcards and be informed before you go to the polls. If you do, you will vote for Jim Lampos and Martha Shoemaker.
Mary Daley,
Old Lyme.
I absolutely agree with Mary on all points of the qualifications that Jim and Martha bring to the table, at this critical time for our town of Old Lyme. Jim and Martha are a breath of fresh air, clear thought and honesty for all issues that must be dealt with for our town of Old Lyme to prosper, move forward in thought, word and deed. We are so fortunate to have them as our candidates and have faith that our voters will vote for them,