To the Editor:
It is very frustrating to see people reaching conclusions about Halls Road without obtaining the facts.
The town is not hiring a developer!. Property owners can choose to keep their buildings right where they are and not move them.The overlay is an option that they take advantage of or not. If they do choose it, they pick a contractor not the town.
The Halls Road Improvement Committee has no authority. All decisions are made by the [Old Lyme] Board of Selectmen (BOS) and Board of Finance. There is no opportunity for a conflict of Interest by members of the HRIC since they do not make any decisions. They just advise the BOS.
The pedestrian bridge will be paid for by grants. True, all state taxpayers contribute to funding grants, but do we want our money to fund projects in Fairfield county or stay in Old Lyme?
Please see the town website to get the facts. Go to boards and commissions, HRIC and see the Q&A and the update.
Howard Margules,
Old Lyme.
Editor’s Note: The author is a member of the Halls Road Improvement Committee.
It is my hope that after the upcoming elections the newly elected Board of Selectmen will make much needed changes to the membership of the Halls Road Improvement Committee (HRIC). The run-up to the municipal elections have demonstrated that the grand plan put forth by the HRIC does not have the overwhelming support from the community that they falsely say they have.