To the Editor:
As a former Selectwoman for Old Lyme from 2003 to 2019, eight of those years as First Selectwoman, I know only too well what the job requires and what qualities are needed to perform it well. This year, the people of Old Lyme will choose between two candidates running for First Selectman, only one of whom is properly prepared.
Martha Shoemaker, while never having served as First Selectman, has spent the last six years involved in town government at the highest level – the last two as a Selectwoman and six of them as a Board of Education member. She has had a front-row seat at Town Hall and clearly understands both the challenges of that position and the skills needed to meet them.
Martha’s grasp of the current issues is firm and, more importantly, she has acted when others have been passive, or worse, dismissive. For example, she took the time to kayak on the Black Hall Pond to see for herself the impact of the beaver dams on property surrounding the pond, and she personally inspected the damaged crib on Hawks Nest Beach to understand the clogging that causes flooding in the beach communities. Martha played a pivotal role in rectifying the pressing problem caused by the prolonged absence of our Finance Director, highlighted by the Town’s bouncing a check. Martha promptly secured a temporary financial specialist and was proactive in identifying and hiring of a full-time director when the time came.
Martha has the proven experience and the demonstrated capacity to listen, research, understand and act when confronted by the issues that land on the desk of the First Selectman of small towns. And aren’t those the qualities we need for our next First Selectman? Those qualities, her awareness of the issues this town faces, and her commitment to address those issues squarely and openly, prove that Martha Shoemaker has the leadership skills that will make her an outstanding First Selectwoman. My vote is going for Martha on November 7th!
Bonnie Reemsnyder,
Old Lyme.
Editor’s Note: The author is a former First Selectwoman of Old Lyme.
Plain and simple: Consider the source!
Please! Vote “B” November 7th.