To the Editor:
Recent events in our nation’s Congress, including the chaos and paralyzation caused by the Republican majority’s inability to govern, serve to remind us that our voice is crucial in protecting our republic. It is imperative to exercise your right to vote armed with knowledge and serious contemplation of the issues you care most about.
As one former Speaker of the House noted, all politics are local. I agree. Unless we can elect representatives at the local level who genuinely believe in the fundamental principles of our constitution, and the steadfastness to put the people’s interests before their own, we are lost. Vote on November 7th, for candidates who will affirmatively act to represent those things you hold most dear. For me, it is about my grandchildren and electing candidates who take seriously the stewardship over their future. Among other things this includes the quality of public education and the environment, the fundamental right to vote, the freedom to read and contemplate provocative ideas, the right to make informed choices about their healthcare, and the right to be who they are without suffering the stymying effects of prejudice and discrimination.
As an attorney and student of government it is stunning to me that we have reached a stage in our nation’s evolution where these ideas need promulgating. I will be voting a straight Democrat ticket and urge you to consider doing the same.
Cynthia Love,
Old Lyme.
Some good points. The fact that the national Democrats are a train wreck shouldn’t impact local democrats from being elected. I’ve voted for local Democrat candidates for many years but would never consider voting D for higher offices. Old Lyme is fortunate to have excellent candidates with R and D next to their names.