OLD LYME — Asked how this year’s White Elephant Sale went, Bob Davis, who chaired the event held July 14 and 15 at the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme, told us that the Sale was the, “Best year ever in gross sales.” And in this case, ‘ever’ means 85 years!
The Sale, which falls under the umbrella of the church’s Ladies Benevolent Society, faced numerous challenges this year including the prospect of major rains forecast for the day of the Sale.
In the end, the weather was (relatively) kind and in Davis’ words, “The crowd was in a great mood prior to opening, cars were parked from Firehouse down to Duck River Cemetery, and the Christ The King [church] parking lot was filled around 8 a.m.”
Davis added, “People were waiting outside the various entries at 7:30 a.m., enjoying coffee and donuts, while renewing prior year friendships.”
The funds raised by the Sale support missions and good works both locally and throughout the world. Some of the beneficiaries include food pantries, health organizations, family support centers, children’s programs, literacy volunteers, affordable housing, and disaster relief worldwide.
Congratulations and gratitude to all those involved in this major undertaking, which is such a perfect example of community at its best while also raising significant funds for multiple good causes.
It is so rewarding to join the many volunteers who make this event come together. We receive, sort, price and organize for 3 weeks prior to the sale. A short window in terms of intake but a huge commitment from the volunteers who show up daily to go through so very much ‘stuff’! Thank you all !!!