OLD LYME — UPDATED 6/29 with tributes from Rev. David W. Good, State Sen. Martha Marx and State Rep. Devin Carney: The death has been announced of former Connecticut Governor and Senator Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. at the age of 92.
His family released a statement yesterday morning with the sad news.
The Weickers maintained a home on Lyme Street in Old Lyme.
Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont has ordered US and state flags to be lowered in honor of former Governor Weicker until the date of interment, which has not yet been determined.
We asked Reverend David W. Good, Minister Emeritus at the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme, to share his thoughts on the passing of former Governor Weicker.
Rev. Good responded by email saying, “I was very sorry to learn of the death of our former Governor, Senator and neighbor, Lowell Weicker. Lowell was a good friend and mentor for many years in my ministry at The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme, and I so appreciated his help and guidance as we engaged in various human rights issues.”
Good continued, “Long before I had the honor of knowing him as a friend; when I first came to Old Lyme in the summer of 1973, Lowell was very much in the news in the Watergate hearings. The integrity and courage he exemplified then as a young Republican senator impressed me greatly, and subsequently, I’ve always thought of him as one of the wisdom keepers of our society, and by his example, helping us all to have the courage of our convictions.”
He then said, “When so many other political leaders and church leaders shied away from the issue of Apartheid in South Africa, I’m grateful for how Lowell was arrested for his opposition to apartheid.”
Good pointed out that, “Throughout his life and career, Lowell could be counted on for his advocacy for racial justice, a health care system that is fair and equitable and a Civil Body Politic in which Republicans and Democrats and those of different religious persuasions could cross boundaries and work together for common cause.”
He concluded, “In his honor, I hope and pray we all might endeavor to be “mavericks” in our efforts to make this a more “perfect Union.””
Today State Senator Martha Marx (D-New London), whose district includes Old Lyme, released the following statement on the passing of Governor Lowell Weicker.
“Former Governor Weicker was such a strong force in our community. I looked up to him as he was someone I admired and respected for his dedication to our constituents. When I was campaigning for my seat in the Senate, he was so very kind to me. I will never forget his compassion for others and his commitment toward making Connecticut a better community for everyone. Lowell Weicker will be missed greatly. My thoughts are with his family.”
State Representative Devin Carney (R-23rd), whose district includes both Lyme and Old Lyme, posted the following statement regarding Governor Lowell Weicker on his Facebook page,:”Gov. Lowell Weicker was a dedicated public servant, from his start in politics in Greenwich to the U.S. Senate and, finally, to the governor’s mansion. He was a member of the Old Lyme community and someone with whom I had the unique opportunity to meet and discuss public service.
He will be remembered for his stature, locally, statewide, and nationally. He was unafraid to stake out a position and fiercely defend it, even if it was unpopular. You may not have always agreed with him, but he always did what he believed was right.
My sympathies go out to his wife, Claudia, and the entire Weicker family.”
Lowell Weicker was a moderate Republican and a great Nutmegger. Unfortunately he will be remembered as the governor who gave CT the ‘temporary’ income tax.