OLD LYME/ NEW LONDON – Old Lyme resident John A. Collins, III, has been reappointed as a Judge of the Gaming Disputes Court for the Mohegan Tribe for a 5-year term, effective May 9, 2023.
Collins presides over matters assigned by the Chief Judge pursuant to the Mohegan Gaming Disputes Ordinance and the Mohegan Tribe Constitution.
In its constitution, the Mohegan Tribe has extended jurisdiction over disputes involving or arising out of ’Gaming’ to the Gaming Disputes Court, which consists of a Trial Court and a Court of Appeals. This jurisdiction extends to actions of Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment and disputes involving its employees and customers.
Atty. Collins is a Director/Shareholder of Suisman Shapiro Attorneys-at-Law, who concentrates in the areas of Personal Injury Law and Civil Litigation.
He served as the Managing Partner of Suisman Shapiro for over 20 years.