OLD LYME — The Bowerbird of Old Lyme has selected the recipient of the proceeds from their 2023 gift-wrap program as A Place Called Hope. This organization is a non-profit, volunteer organization with the goal of teaching the public how to protect and respect wildlife, in particular raptors. The Bowerbird donation program runs from Nov. 1, 2022 through Oct. 31, 2023.
The Bowerbird recently wrapped up their 2022 gift-wrapping campaign to raise funds Lyme-Old Lyme Food Share Garden, Inc.(LOLFSG.) A check in the amount of $3,605.00 representing 2,064 packages wrapped was presented to the LOLFSG’s founder Jim Ward. The Bowerbird charges a nominal fee for gift-wrapping purchases and donates 50 percent to local non-profit organizations.
The Bowerbird pioneered ‘cause’ marketing when they created their gift wrap donation program in 1992. In the past 28 years, The Bowerbird has donated over $104,000 to 33 statewide and local non- profits proving that small businesses can make a difference.
For a complete listing of past recipients, visit www.thebowerbird.com.
The Bowerbird is located at 46 Halls Rd. in Old Lyme. For more information about The Bowerbird, visit the store’s website or call 860-434-3562.