OLD LYME — Did you know that the average Old Lyme resident produces 891lbs of household waste a year, the equivalent of 2.5lbs of waste per person, per day and that studies indicate that up to 20 percent of that waste is compostable? Take a look at this link for more information.
The Old Lyme Solid Waste and Recycling Committee (OLSW&RC) is studying food waste and partnering with the Lyme-Old Lyme Food Share Garden (LOLFSG) to pilot a project to reduce food waste in one neighborhood.
Jim Ward, co-chair of OLSW&RC, president of the LOLFSG, and a resident of Library Lane, has offered his neighborhood and yard for the pilot. He notes, “Both organizations encourage everyone to compost in some manner, so we are offering a simple, viable option for households, which are not already managing food waste in their backyard.”

Library Lane area residents can now separate their plant-based food waste and deposit it in a bin on the corner of Library Ln. and Dunns Ln. Plant-based waste includes items such as remnants from fruits, coffee grounds or stale bread. Donated scraps, either fresh or frozen, will be incorporated into the LOLFSG’s compost system at Town Woods Park.
Compost will be used onsite to support production of vegetables that are donated to local food pantries.
Initial data is promising. In the first week of the pilot, approximately 15 pounds of food waste were collected. Additionally, multiple residents responded to share that they are already managing food waste in a variety of ways, from compost bins to chickens.
DEEP composting information can be found at this link and more will follow on the OLSW&RC website.
Would like to see a bin like this in the Sill Lane neighborhood
The Hartford Avenue community may be interested in doing this too.
If anyone is interested in establishing a food waste collection program in their neighborhood I am willing to work with you.
The Lyme Old Lyme Food Share Garden is willing to take your plant-based food waste.
I can be contacted at [email protected]