To the Editor:
Due to the growing concern around the oil spill at the Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School, it is important to clarify any misconceptions.
The First Selectman and I were made aware of the oil spill during a Community Leaders meeting in September 2022. We were informed that the spill was under control and the School District/BOE were working in conjunction with the DEEP to comply with all clean-up and remediation efforts.
In hindsight the abutting property owners near the spill should have been notified earlier by the School District out of an abundance of caution.
I want to assure everyone going forward, especially as clean-up efforts continue, I will be available to hear your concerns. The safety of the residents impacted by the spill is our priority. Mr. Griswold and I will remain on top of this issue and will keep residents informed as information becomes available.
Matthew Ward,
Old Lyme.
Editor’s Note: The author is a Selectman on the Old Lyme Board of Selectmen.
According to the CT Examiner, the press and public were barred from meetings on this matter.
That is a disgrace.
I look back to the same kind of situation with Superintendent Neviaser and BOE Chairman Steve Wilson on the issue of armed guards at Region 18 public schools.
I guess safety and transparency are just not their thing.
Betsy Groth APRN
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Child Advocate
I think this now calls for a town meeting and not a district meeting. It goes beyond the school at this point.
Between the issues of the oil spill and sexual harassment of town employees, our town and school district leaders have been less than honest in informing town residents. These officials understand that memories are short and, other than a little chatter by a few, the issue of the day will soon fade away.
If in hindsight,the abutting neighbors should have been notified, then maybe the parents should have been notified also. It is our children that are in those buildings everyday drinking that water. The Superintendent and Chairman of the Board do not get to make health decisions for my child!
Grossly mismanaged!!
This level of incompetence, apathy, and lack of transparency is normal.
It’s how this board and this superintendent have always worked, going back years.
The only reason they are looking like they care now is because they got caught.