OLD LYME — The Old Lyme Land Trust (OLLT) is offering YEA! (Youth Environmental Action) grants of $100 to $600 to support worthy environmental projects. Applicants should be 11-21 years old and live in Lyme or Old Lyme.
The Trust is especially eager to fund original and independent projects that otherwise might not happen. It welcomes requests for support of any project with positive environmental impact in which the applicant plays a major role, including relevant student and volunteer work.
Projects may be proposed anywhere, including on OLLT properties.
The applicant can either commit to rolling up his/her sleeves to help the natural world in the best way possible or come up with a creative approach to tackle a neglected problem — in either case, OLLT would like to assist.
The YEA! grant program is in honor of Edward J. Sopneski, former Trustee and longtime OLLT volunteer. Ed died in 2022 at age 87 following decades of work caring for the environment.

He installed osprey platforms, removed invasive plants from his beloved Watch Rock Preserve, and worked to boost declining numbers of pollinators.
Sopneski was also keenly interested in encouraging the next generation to live a life of action to protect our natural world. That goal inspires these grants.
To apply, complete the application at this link and click “Submit.”
Grants are awarded on a rolling basis with decisions made by the OLLT Board when it meets, typically on the third Thursday of every odd month (January, March, May, etc.), and notification to applicants in the following weeks.
Applications should be submitted at least 10 days ahead of a meeting to assure consideration.