To the Editor:
It is time for a change on the Old Lyme Board of Finance (BOF). We need more diversity, balance of opinion and public information. Four of the six regular members of the BOF, and its chairman, have forever been Republicans. They always vote as a block. I strongly support the well-qualified candidates currently endorsed by the Democrats.
My decision is based in part on problems I witnessed virtually at BOF meetings. It seemed to me that not enough information was being presented at the meetings, shared with the public or reflected in the minutes. At the September 21 meeting, for example, the financial report for August was on the agenda but it was not discussed because the Finance Director could not be connected by phone. The BOF members were directed by Chairman Kelsey to submit questions by email. No questions, answers or members’ comments were discussed at the October BOF meeting. It is also frustrating that public comment is never on the agenda for BOF meetings.
We need more diversity, transparency, information and accountability from the BOF. We will get that from the Democratic candidates up for election. The two contested regular seats are being sought by Anna Reiter, an outstanding, incumbent member of the Board, and Bradley Mock, a business consultant with invaluable on-point experience. Please vote for them on Tuesday.
Alison C. Mitchell,
Old Lyme.