OLD LYME — The Lyme Art Association (LAA) welcomes the public back to the gallery today, June 26, with Wind, Waves and Water: A Marine Show. This is a juried show of LAA’s talented member artists that celebrates the unique beauty of the open water, shorelines, rivers, and all the activity and life that accompany these settings.
The juror for Wind, Waves and Water is Russell Kramer, ASMA.

This year the Association welcomes back the Hudson Valley Art Association for their 87th Annual Juried Exhibition. This show always includes exceptional award winners from artists across the region.
Both shows will be on view from June 26 through Aug. 14. There will not be an opening reception.
The Lyme Art Association is located in Old Lyme, at 90 Lyme Street. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday, and by appointment at other times. All visitors are requested to wear a mask.
The LAA was founded in 1914 by the American Impressionists and continues the tradition of exhibiting and selling representational artwork by its members and invited artists, as well as offering art instruction and lectures to the community. The Association is located at 90 Lyme Street, Old Lyme, CT, in a building designed by Charles Adams Platt and located within the town’s historic district.
Admission is free with contributions appreciated.
Gallery hours are Wednesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by appointment.
For more information on exhibitions, purchase of art, art classes, or becoming a member, call 860-434-7802 or visit www.lymeartassociation.org