OLD LYME — Old Lyme First Selectman Tim Griswold informed us this morning in a text message that there are now four confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Old Lyme. They are a 64-year-old female, a 21-year-old female a 27-year-old male and a 53-year-old female. The latter case listed is the most recently confirmed case, having been identified after Griswold had sent out his update yesterday to town residents stating there were three cases.
Griswold noted that the 21-year-old female was tested in Florida, but used an Old Lyme address although she does not live here. Because she gave the Old Lyme address, Griswold said that Ledge Light Health District must report her as an Old Lyme resident.
Anyway to find out if other OL residents may have been exposed to these people?
Agree. It would be helpful to trace steps and exposure to others. This approach has worked in other countries and can help prevent individuals that were exposed from unknowingly spreading the virus to others.
Ron and Elizabeth make excellent points. Seems like the identified individuals (actually in Old Lyme) should be interviewed by LLHD or another responsible party and those at risk notified immediately.