To the Editor:
The choice in the election for Old Lyme’s tax collector is clear, Judy Tooker deserves re-election. Judy has dutifully served Old Lyme during her tenure and has a collection rate of about 99% – one of the best in Connecticut. Old Lyme depends on these taxes to fund its schools, town services, and public safety. As an Old Lyme taxpayer, it makes me feel good knowing Judy is so consistent, efficient, and hard working.
Judy is also a lifelong resident of Old Lyme who has built strong relationships with so many people and organizations in town. This goodwill is due to her many years of service and her dedication to our community. She is always out supporting local organizations such as the Old Lyme Fire Department and the Lyme’s Senior Center and her entire family lives in Old Lyme. She is engaged with all aspects of the town, including our schools.
Her commitment to ensuring Old Lyme’s success is apparent to many in town. There is no reason to change course now. Put politics aside in this race and vote for the only candidate with the experience, knowledge, relationships, and strong record. Vote for Judy Tooker.
Lisa Knepshield,
Old Lyme.