To the Editor:
As Election Day draws near and we prepare to cast our votes, there are still some who are undecided. Each side makes its best case, but that sometimes includes misleading claims and information. Though part of the political process, this is often the reason many turn away from voting.
With that in mind, please consider these facts regarding some of my administration’s accomplishments. Over the last eight years, mill rate increases have been minimal while our surplus increased substantially, resulting in our being ranked 5th in CT for fiscal stability. We have focused on taking care of our basic infrastructure–our roads, buildings and equipment– and OSHA rated us in the top two municipalities after a recent inspection. We have ensured that Town Hall maintains a friendly, helpful environment for citizens and visitors. Our Senior Center has increased attendance several-fold, with vibrant programs and fabulous presentations. The fields at Town Woods Park are now in excellent shape, Rogers Lake has been treated for weeds safely and effectively, and Sound View has seen one major upgrade completed, with a second phase under way. We have begun a broad-based community conversation about improving the Halls Road neighborhood. Both Mary Jo and I attend many board and commission meetings to stay on top of the current issues, and we respond quickly to citizen concerns.
Of course, my opponent criticizes my role on the Connecticut Port Authority. I worked very hard there to have a positive economic impact on the region, which it will. I always behaved with integrity and in full compliance with all ethical guidelines, as has now been reported. However, I was insensitive to how the transaction might appear to the public, and for that I am deeply sorry.
I urge everyone to look at my 16-year record of service to Old Lyme, which demonstrates that I have always focused solely on the best interests of the Town. As you cast your vote next Tuesday, please do what is best for the Town and vote Row A.
Bonnie Reemsnyder,
Old Lyme.
I just read part of the independent audit conducted for the CT Port Authority during the time frame our First Selectwoman was fully in charge of that public agency.
At the Selectmens debate she commented on this audit as if it was a slam dunk in her favor. Her daughter benefitting from sale of photos is the least of the issues of the audit.
Her complete lack of integrity and compliance with any and all ethical guidelines are throughout the audit. The comment of “sideshow” and “distraction” to the agency was mentioned by the governor.
She looked the other way as CPA colleagues wined and dined on the CT taxpayers expense.
Ms. Czarnecky,
Consider on the other hand, that your party, under the chairmanship of J. David Kelsey, also a Board of Finance candidate, sponsored, Michelle Malkin to speak at the GOP campaign kick-off event in 2017. Michelle is a prolific defender of the imprisonment of US citizens, and more. Is this your idea of integrity and american values?
This Tuesday, Vote Row A-all the way, and any day including Sunday.