Staying in town for April vacation?
Connecticut River Museum (CRM) has five days of cool things to do for your child or children from April 15 to 19. Whether you are looking for one day or all five, there is something fun and exciting waiting for you at the Museum.
Bring your imagination and come prepared to create and experiment as we explore the River and its history. This year the Museum expanded their April Vacation day offerings to full days of fun. Workshops are designed for ages 6 – 12.
Offerings this year are
- Poetry and Art
- Maritime Madness
- Create a Museum
- Mud and Dirt
- Spring is in the Air
Explore the museum, go outdoors, create projects, do arts and crafts. Get more information about each day’s activities and register at www.ctrivermuseum.org.
Programs run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and are $45/day, $205/week for CRM members and $50/Day, $230/week for nonmembers. Advance registration is required and space is limited.
Email [email protected] or call 860.767.8269 x113 with questions. The Connecticut River Museum is located on the Essex waterfront at 67 Main Street.