“Why don’t we just ban all trucks from our interstate highways in rush hour?”
The question was asked of me by a small town mayor in Fairfield County who’d obviously given a lot of thought to solutions to our traffic woes. He’s a smart guy and thought he’d come up with “the answer” to our transportation crisis.
He said he wasn’t in favor of tolls, but liked them as a traffic mitigation tool. By charging trucks more to drive our highways in rush hour, they’d be incentivized to instead go off-peak. He was just taking the idea a step further: ban them completely at certain hours.
Well, I explained, that’s probably illegal. This is an interstate, federal highway built to carry trucks. Wouldn’t it be a better idea to tell the merchants where they are going to only accept deliveries at, say, 3 a.m. instead of 9 to 5, which is more convenient for the stores?
But the truck-haters are not satisfied. Any number of candidates are calling for truck-only tolls, pointing to Rhode Island’s recent launch of such as system. It’s been a huge success, raking in $625,000 in its first month of operation.
But it’s also attracted lawsuits, because it is illegal, just like the Mayor’s idea. Tolling only big-rigs is a violation of the US Constitution’s “Commerce Clause”. The truckers and big-box stores say it’s not fair to toll them and not charge drivers of cars and small trucks. I’m no lawyer, but I think they’re right.
Trucks are not the problem. Cars are.
But it’s so easy to blame the trucks for delays on our roads, isn’t it? Blame them, instead of ourselves. Toll them, not me. I’m not creating the traffic, they are.
Trucks are not allowed on the Merritt and Wilbur Cross Parkways, so why are those roads so congested? Look at I-95 in rush hour and count the number of trucks vs. single-occupancy-vehicles. Again, it’s the volume of the traffic, not the kind of vehicles that are causing the delays. It’s the geometry of the highway … too many exits and entrances … and too few alternatives (aside from rail).
Truckers don’t want to be on the interstates in bumper-to-bumper traffic any more than you do. They are not out there, driving on I-95 and I-84, just to annoy you. Compared to you, driving solo in your automobile, they are high-occupancy vehicles carrying your Amazon orders and making deliveries to the big box stores. You put those trucks on the road, and now you want to ban them at certain hours? Then you’ll be moaning about late deliveries.
You don’t want to pay tolls? Trucks already do, even in Connecticut. They pay higher state gas taxes (44 cents for diesel vs. 25 cents for gasoline), even if they don’t buy that gas in Connecticut. And they must pay to register their trucks in CT, even if they are from out of state, thanks to the International Fuel Tax Agreement, or IFTA.
Add a layer of tolls on top of those costs and guess who’s going to pay? You!
There’s no free lunch, folks. And the solution to our traffic is not to blame others … but to look in the mirror.

About the author:
Jim Cameron is founder of The Commuter Action Group, and a member of the Darien RTM. The opinions expressed in this column are only his own. You can reach him at [email protected]
For a full collection of “Talking Transportation” columns, visit www.talkingtransportation.blogspot.com
Posted with permission of Hearst CT Media.