To the Editor:
As an unaffiliated voter in Old Lyme, the upcoming election for Selectmen is particularly important.
Seeking to fund the extension of a town project, largely with state money, without a guarantee for the money from the state is putting the “cart before the horse”……..The state has been broke for years.
Case in point: The rearranging/bump outs/sidewalks/repaving of Hartford Avenue in anticipation of state funding to connect with the exit 70 off ramp of I-95-N, (4+ miles), for a pedestrian/bike/greenway lane was “pie in the sky”.
Foreseeable bad timing, as Hartford Avenue will have to be torn up again to install the upcoming sewer lines.
There are numerous other examples …….
The town needs more timely public knowledge dissemination about project planning, coupled with increased town hall transparency allowing government to function more smoothly.
We need selectmen who will be better at, “minding the store.”
Vote common sense.
Vote READ/KERR November 7th.
Sloan Danenhower,
Old Lyme.
Editor’s Note: The author is the husband of First Selectman candidate Judith Read.
Thank you to Lymeline’s editorial staff for identifying Mr. Danehower as the candidates spouse. He has also posted in the New London Day without that disclaimer. I look forward to seeing this election in my rearview mirror and, as I’ve posted in the past, With the re-election of Reemsnyder and Nosal;our two worthy incumbents. I do agree that “transparency” is important.