The students and staff of Lyme Consolidated School couldn’t have asked for nicer weather for the school’s annual field day held this past Monday. An afternoon of fun was a great way to bring the academic year to a close and spend some time getting away from the classroom and enjoying the weather.

Under clear blue skies and a hot June sun, students enjoyed fun sports, games, races and more. A majority of the students found refuge from the unforgiving sun in a one area designated for water games. Others who were able to withstand the heat long enough played soccer, kickball or on the playground.

Around 2:30 p.m., the Lyme Fire Department arrived as the students lined up by grade and waited expectantly for what was undoubtedly the highlight of the afternoon. As the firetruck launched a massive stream of icy cold water, the children jumped with excitement. The students sprinted out into the cold power of the hose after Lyme School Principal James Cavalieri called for their line to do so.