What is your most difficult morning challenge? Choosing your outfit for the day? Getting the kids ready for school? Trying not to hurt your arm as you sling the alarm clock across the room?
Beginning Feb. 29, designated World Rare Disease Day because it’s the rarest day of the year, and through March, Rare Disease month, we challenge you to eat your breakfast — even if it’s just a bowl of cereal — while wearing a blindfold.
Why, you ask? Sofia Sees Hope, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness of rare inherited retinal diseases, wants you to challenge yourself to experience just one simple meal without the use of your sight. This is what life is like every day for someone suffering from a rare inherited retinal disease.
Join hundreds of other families, schools, children and celebrities to show us how well you eat your breakfast blindfolded – and then challenge five of your friends! Take a video, take a photo, take a selfie of your experience and share it on social media with the hashtag #blindfoldbreakfast.Sofia Sees Hope will grab the best and share them. Learn more at http://www.blindfoldbreakfast.org/
Sofia Sees Hope is inspired by a young teen with a rare inherited retinal disease who hopes to someday be able to see the stars at night. The organization is dedicated to making this possible for all those affected by blindness caused by Leber Congenital Amaurosis and other rare inherited eye diseases. The organization does this by raising funds for:
- Research into treatments and cures
- Patient support for diagnosis and treatment
- Patient and medical community education and outreach
- Public awareness of inherited retinal disease and treatments
If the Blindfold Breakfast experience inspires you to change someone’s future, visit www.sofiaseeshope.org to make a donation. Follow Sofia Sees Hope on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/sofiaseeshope/) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/SofiaSees)