To the Editor:
Misinformation is circulating in Old Lyme regarding First Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder’s positions on sewers. The facts are as follows.
In 2012 the DEEP concluded that some Old Lyme beach communities had a pollution problelm and ordered the residents to find a solution. In 2013 the town commissioned an engineering study to evaluate alternatives. The DEEP strongly resisted a local solution, preferring instead that the wastewater be conveyed by sewer to New London.
The beach communities subject to the DEEP orders independently pursued a sewer solution. Bonnie supports a plan that would facilitate these efforts by having a town authority (the WPCA) construct and maintain the main trunk line into which the beach communities would connect, bringing management and financial efficiencies to the overall project. If the project is completed as anticipated, the entire construction cost and most of the study cost will be financed by tax-exempt bonds, and repayment of the bonds and operation of the system will be paid by the users of the sewers, not the other taxpayers of Old Lyme.
Bonnie is in the best position to ensure that this plan is implemented properly and cost-effectively. We need to re-elect her on November 3.
Gil Soucie,
Old Lyme.
Editor’s Note: The author is Democratic candidate for Treasurer in Old Lyme. He is also a member and current Treasurer of the Democratic Town Committee.