To the Editor:
In the many years I have lived, worked, and served on a number of boards and
committees in Old Lyme, I am aware of one fact; there are many very smart people living in our town. That would include our friends at the beaches. Together, we can solve our problems and address our challenges without turning to the State and other municipalities; such as New London.
Outside government bureaucracies do not offer the best solutions for us and worse they view us as the “rich town” that can well afford to pay more for their imposed solutions.
Our current First Selectwomen is too quick to turn to leaders in other towns and State government in Hartford without first seeking advice from local residents to address town projects.
I believe Cathy Carter will better serve our town as we can solve our own problems and control our own future.
David Griswold,
Old Lyme.
Editor’s Note: The author is a member of the Republican Town Committee.