AREAWIDE — Literacy Volunteers Valley Shore (LVVS), CT, Inc. is a private non-profit organization. Its mission is to train tutors to teach Basic Reading (BR) and English as a Second Language (ESL) to residents of the Valley Shore area, who wish to improve their reading, writing or speaking English to improve their life and work skills. This one-to-one instruction is held confidential and is completely without charge to the student.
Tutor training is a 14-hour program conducted over seven sessions held each fall and again in the spring each year. The next training session begins Sept. 17, and runs through Nov. 12. Registration for the fall session is open now and the deadline for applications is Aug. 28.
Workshop Leaders have developed a comprehensive program that provides prospective tutors the skills and resources to help them succeed. A background in education is not necessary – just a desire to tutor and a commitment to helping a student improve their skill in basic literacy or English as a Second Language over the period of one year after the completion of training.
If you are interested in becoming a tutor, contact the Literacy Volunteers office in the lower level of Westbrook’s Public Library by phone at 860-399-0280 or e-mail at [email protected].