To the Editor:
As the health teacher at Lyme Old Lyme Middle School, I have major concerns about the Bestway gas station at 281 Shore Road selling drug paraphernalia. I truly believe this gives children in this community the wrong message about drugs.
While bongs, glass pipes and other items can be used to smoke or prepare tobacco, even young children know that they are primarily used for marijuana. Seeing these items sold so openly in a convenience store normalizes the items and can affect a child’s attitude about marijuana. The message becomes: sure it isn’t good for you, but everyone does it. This is not true. And marijuana is not a safe substance, especially for young minds.
In addition, the Bestway sells items used to conceal drugs! Parents should be particularly concerned about these items. Do we want a local business helping our children conceal drugs? It is difficult enough in our current times to protect our children. We do not need a local business making it easier for them to consume and conceal substances.
The beach area is already struggling with a reputation. Selling drug paraphernalia in Bestway only adds to this reputation. Also, drug paraphernalia attracts drug users as customers. This certainly does not help the beach community remain a safe and enjoyable area.
Please voice your opinion to the owner of Bestway that drug paraphernalia does not belong in our community.
Patricia Cournoyer
Editor’s Note: The author is the Health Educator in Lyme-Old Lyme Public Schools.
First, I’d like you to provide citations backed by credible sources that would support your suggestion that (theoretical) marijuana use would jeopardize the safety of this particular area; as a “health educator,” I’m certain that you have a plethora of expertise on the subject matter. Oh wait. I just researched the educational requirements for your particular career choice:
“High School Diploma/Associate Degree Preferred.” Doesn’t look as though you’re as credible as you present yourself. Dismissed.
Secondly, if children are capable of making inferences suggesting that these items are for smoking marijuana, perhaps you should pay closer attention to whom you’re letting your children associate with and what they’re exposed to. As with cigarettes and alcohol, both openly displayed in most gas stations, it’s your job as a parent to educate your children.
Lastly, even if a child wanted to purchase a pipe or any of these “concealment products,” there is an age restriction on both.
Your logic has no basis in reality.