To the Editor:
Please accept my thanks to all who planned, attended, or participated in the Meet the Candidates event last week. We are fortunate to have so many people willing to serve our community.
I have always considered it a privilege to represent the people of Old Lyme on our Board of Education. During my 16 years on the school board, I have served as Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. My tenure on the school board has been marked by my total commitment to our students and our residents. Over the course of the past 16 years, I have represented our school board at CABE (CT Assn. of Boards of Education) Conferences and traveled at my own expense to support our award-winning Techno-Ticks.
Nearly 10 years ago, I worked with the high school business department to make their vision of a School Store managed by students a reality. I have worked directly with our local legislators to secure school funding, often attending Legislative Hearings at the Capital to support our schools.
There is no question that new challenges await us in this 21st century.
Declining enrollments, curriculum mandates and new technologies require administrators, teachers, and board members willing to think “outside the box.” It is that kind of thinking that has defined the High School Building Committee, which I have been honored to chair for the past 6 years.
Under my leadership, our Building Committee was successful in reducing the projected building project cost by $4.6 million, while earning a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Silver designation for our high school. I hope our residents share my pride in what is now one of the most modern and energy efficient schools in our state.
Although our official ribbon-cutting took place earlier this month, the commissioning of our new high school is not yet complete.
I am seeking election to the Board for an additional two years because I would like to oversee the completion of the project, and honor my commitment to the students and residents in our towns.
I ask for your support on November 5.
Thank you.
Russ Gomes,
Old Lyme.