To the Editor:
I recently went to the Bestway Store in Old Lyme to purchase milk. I was stunned to see “Drug Paraphernalia” on several shelves as I walked into the store. In all honesty I probably should have just walked out without purchasing my milk … long story short, I did not.
As I waited to be checked out, I thought I should tell the person behind the register that I am really unhappy that this merchandise has found a home in this store. However, before I could come up with what I felt were appropriate words, I paid and left. Now I am feeling guilty. I still have not come up with an appropriate sentence, but feel as though I need community support to do something. I am aware that the internet has made acquisition of anything imaginable available to our youth … but I am still upset to see these things available right in my “own back yard.”
I have been told that it is not illegal to sell these items as long as there is not “drug residue” on said item. However, I am sure I will not go back to buy milk at Bestway until I learn that the owner has stopped selling these products and has permanently removed them from his stock.
I strongly recommend that others, who feel as I do, stop patronizing Bestway, Old Lyme, for all the things they usually go there to purchase. Obviously, we have given them too much financial support since they are at a point where they can purchase products, which harm our community at large.
Please stop supporting this retailer until he disposes of these items so we as parents have a little more control of what our children purchase when they are not in our immediate care.
Kathy Bartus,
Old Lyme
Would a petition to request that they stop selling them help? Kathy, as a school nurse, you’re CERTAINLY a great voice of reason on this point. Maybe people at the beaches would even sign before they all leave in the coming week. Really too bad–so many of us often went there just for gas, paid at the pump and never went inside.
Need clarification… Bestway? Is she talking about Big Y? Pardon my ignorance.
Ted: Citgo on Shore Road.
the gas station at the top of Hartford Avenue.
Do you think we should boycott all businesses on Old Lyme owned by people of color, or just the ones selling rolling papers?
Thank you for your concern and observations ! We are fortunate to have people like you who are willing to “air” your opinions. As a fairly long time resident of Lyme I would agree thoroughly. We have the right (and responsibility) to make known the values we desire to uphold in our community.
I, for one, will avoid this store as long as their present practice continues.
gratitude and best regards, Dwight Stevenson, Ely’s Ferry, Lyme….
Thanks Mr Stevenson for your support.