The Connecticut General Assembly approved an emergency certified bill early Thursday morning (April 4) that makes sweeping changes to Connecticut’s gun laws in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary school tragedy.
“This legislation represents a missed opportunity,” said Giuliano, who works as a professional school psychologist and voted against the bill. “If the intent is to prevent another Sandy Hook tragedy, then this legislation should have targeted substantive improvements to mental health access and treatment that are necessary to identify and deter the actions of the criminally insane.”
Some of the law changes include:
– Ban sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines
– Background checks for private gun sales
– New registry for existing magazines that carry more than 10 rounds
– Statewide dangerous weapon offender registry
– Immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales
– Expansion of CT’s assault weapons ban
– Require eligibility certificate to purchase any rifle, shotgun or ammunition
– Expands requirements for safe storage of firearms
– Increases penalties for firearms trafficking and illegal possession offenses
The bill passed in the senate by a vote of 26 to 10, in the House by a vote of 105 to 44 and was signed by the Governor.
Rep. Giuliano represents the 23rd district communities of Lyme, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook and Westbrook.
I am so,glad you are my rep. One of the few to have the moral courage to try to address the real issue. The bill passed will do nothing to prevent this from happening again. Mr Malloy said on the radio last night ct doesn’t have a mental health problem, clueless.
In fact it makes about as much sense as our schools response to the issue by installing a buzzer ( like new town had in place) on a glass door. I also feel so much safer now that we have a dunkin dougnets manakin wearing a security jacket BSing with the local police in the corner of the parking lot every morning, way to stay diligent.
Both of Lyme’s elected representatives, Representative Marilyn Guiliano and State Senator Art Linares failed the majority of their constituents when they chose to “just say no” to the recent bi-partisan bill (now law) meant to curb the growing wild west mentality of uninhibited gun ownership. Despite the minority voting no, Connecticut has had the courage to take the lead in long overdue gun restraint legislation.
Yes, it’s true that gun restraint alone won’t stop another mindless massacre but stronger mental health laws won’t either, nor will armed vigilantes in our schools as suggested by the NRA, nor will metal detectors or mandated reporting. We need to address everything within reason that will intervene in the future slaughters of innocents. Toward that end, restraining the availability of weapons of mass destruction is eminently reasonable.
That Senate Bill 1160 didn’t include the mental health provisions that many are urging seems to me a lame excuse for failing to support a courageous effort to do something rather than do nothing. As a school psychologist, Ms Guiliano knows very well the legal and ethical difficulties posed when addressing the confidentiality of mental health records and communications.
In a recent op-ed in the Hartford Courant, Representative Douglas McCrory – 7th Assembly District Democrat — explains his no vote: “…I agree with 95% of the content. My problem is what’s missing from the bill.” Really? Whenever do politicians vote no on a bill that gives them 95% of what they want?
Like our Representative Giuliano who decried “This legislation represents a missed opportunity.” And State Senator Art Linares who also excused his no vote by saying …”lawmakers missed the opportunity to reform the mental health programs in a responsible way.” Representative McCrory and all of the other naysayers had better come up with a better explanation than that before the 2014 election.
Rep. Giuliano voted correctly, as did Sen. Linares. This bill will not prevent another Sandy Hook from happening again.
When Marilyn took office she took the oath vowing to uphold our State’s Constitution. If you took the time to read it you would recognize the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
We are not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic. Spend a few minutes understanding the difference, then thank Marilyn G. For her vote.
If you want to amend the constitution, then do so. Until then – it’s the law of the land despite how much you liberals despise it.
The US Supreme Court (District of Columbia vs Heller – 2008) ruled that “Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”
Neither a NO vote or a YES vote will solve the pain, suffering and death caused by gun abuse. Representative Giuliano was right to vote NO on a bill that was rushed through Hartford without the proper hearings, discourse, and the due diligence necessary to create a viable and meaningful bill that citizens of all moral and political persuasions could be proud of. Too many legislators rushed to put the ‘toughest gun law’ on the books rather than consider the efficacy of it.
As voters our job is to elect the best people for office and then trust them to do their job. Marilyn is one of the best people serving the State of Conn. Trust her. And if you don’t understand her position, then take some time to explore what she believes, put preconceived prejudices aside and look at the big picture. It is never what we know that gets us in trouble, it is what we think we know, but don’t know at all.
If I needed one rule to help me deal with Hartford, it would be to take the opposite side of anything that Gov. Dan supports. That man is a walking lunatic. He wants to eliminate taxes on cars. Please, give me a break.
I can’t wait to vote Rep. Guiliano out of office. If the polls are correct, most citizens want to outlaw high capacity guns/magazines, register gun owners and do background checks on those purchasing guns. These are common sense measures that do not interfere with sport hunters. We no longer live in a frontier society with a need to protect our homes. Guns in homes can frequently lead to mistaken tragedies including suicides and deaths in domestic disputes. Rep. Guiliano should know that if she is a mental health professional. She was irresponsible in her vote.
Shame on Rep. Marilyn Giuliano for voting no.
I’m sorry Representative Giuliano but you are not representing my opinion and you will not have my vote in the future. The laws you voted against can and will help to prevent further atrocities if they are enforced. Mental health is a piece that also needs to be addressed, but as an educator and a responsible leader, I thought we could count on you would to protect NOT the powerful NRA, but the residents of Connecticut.
If your issue with the bill, Ms. Guiliano, is mental illness- then be a leader as a school psychologist and introduce some legislation that will address the issue. As a taxpayer I am disappointed in your work in Hartford and Old Lyme. I will do my best to campaign against you in your next election.