I simply could not resist this book and for that I am glad.
I don’t subscribe to Gourmet but may reconsider, now that I know what I’m missing.
This is a delectable collection of stories fromGourmet over the last 60 years. They encompass everything from fictitious musings and memorable lunches to outdated recipes and culinary biographies.
The settings travel from North Dakota to China. We have lunch in Swiss chalets and enjoy a midnight feast of venison i Maine. We see how the life of a foodie is formed and how gastronomy is integral to our well-being.
Annie Proulx takes the proverbial cake, however, in A Garlic War. Auntie Bella undertaking the de-transmogrification of her self-righteous son-in-law with cloves of garlic and puritanical sliced tomatoes is fabulously conniving.