To the Editor: March 29 is a chance for the East Haddam community, and its neighbors up and down and across the river from towns such as Lyme, Old Lyme, East Lyme and Old Saybrook, to see and meet one another, and recall the important bonds we share as citizens in this great and privileged nation. Most Americans— whether they trace their roots back centuries or were only … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: All Invited to Inaugural ‘Now We Rise’ Community Effort in East Haddam, Tomorrow
Letter to the Editor: Help Sought to Recover Stolen Duck River Garden Club Birdhouses in Old Lyme; Not Just Decorative, They Symbolized Community Spirit
To the Editor: I am writing on behalf of the Duck River Garden Club to express our deep disappointment and sadness over a recent incident that has affected one of our beloved civic garden sites. Recently, several handcrafted birdhouses, lovingly built by the husband of one of our dedicated members, were stolen from the garden. This garden, located at the bottom of … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Help Sought to Recover Stolen Duck River Garden Club Birdhouses in Old Lyme; Not Just Decorative, They Symbolized Community Spirit
Letter to the Editor: Sign Removal Issues in Old Lyme Should be Referred to Ethics Commission
To the Editor: We now know that Old Lyme’s First Select-Person, Martha Shoemaker, directed the town’s Public Works Director to remove NOWAY OVERLAY (stet) signs from various locations around town. Prior to the removal of the signs there was no attempt, by any town official, to work with either the property owner or the group responsible for installing the signs to work out … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Sign Removal Issues in Old Lyme Should be Referred to Ethics Commission
Letter to the Editor: Proposed Changes to Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Music Program Will Negatively Impact Students, Teacher, Program Itself
To the Editor: I graduated from the Lyme-Old Lyme Class of 2021 and am now a Senior set to graduate from the Bryant University Honors Program in May of this year with a Marketing Major. I strongly urge the Lyme-Old Lyme Board of Education to reconsider the decisions that have been made about the music program. There are numerous ways that this change will negatively impact … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Proposed Changes to Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Music Program Will Negatively Impact Students, Teacher, Program Itself
Letter to the Editor: Gravel Pit Situation on Mile Creek Rd. is a ‘Travesty’, ‘Cannot be Allowed to Continue’
To the Editor: This letter is in response to the letter sent to the Old Lyme Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission (IWWC) from Old Lyme resident Olaf Bertram-Nothnagel, signed by 52 others, and published on at this link. The letter is an excellent summation of the travesty taking place at 304 & 308-1 Mile Creek Road. This situation cannot be … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Gravel Pit Situation on Mile Creek Rd. is a ‘Travesty’, ‘Cannot be Allowed to Continue’
Letter to the Editor: Support Old Lyme Zoning Against Lawsuit Brought by Smith Neck Rd. Owners After Their Construction Application Denied
To the Editor: We are writing to express our strong support for the Old Lyme Zoning Commission in its defense against a lawsuit brought by the Merriam family against the Town of Old Lyme for rejecting their application for a "Special Permit" for new construction at 43 Smiths Neck Road. It is unfortunate that given all the advantages that money can bring, the Merriams … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Support Old Lyme Zoning Against Lawsuit Brought by Smith Neck Rd. Owners After Their Construction Application Denied
Letter to the Editor: Disagreements Voiced with HROD—Pause Plan Now, Discuss it Further, Make New Proposal Supported by Majority
To the Editor: I am writing to voice my disagreement with the [Halls Road Overlay District] proposal as currently written. There has been a lot of discussion regarding the proposed density of housing. It's not 600 and I seriously doubt it's 250 as the HRIC [Halls Road Improvement Committee] claims (with no basis, mind you). It all revolves around the "40 units per … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Disagreements Voiced with HROD—Pause Plan Now, Discuss it Further, Make New Proposal Supported by Majority
Letter to the Editor: An Open Letter to the People of Old Lyme—Take Action to Support the Halls Road Overlay District
An Open Letter to the People of Old Lyme: Dear Neighbor, Guided change will allow Halls Road to better serve Old Lyme in the 21st century. The proposed Halls Road Overlay District allows the private investment needed to create a new, mixed-use town center there, scaled to the needs of Old Lyme: For the full details on the Halls Road Overlay … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: An Open Letter to the People of Old Lyme—Take Action to Support the Halls Road Overlay District
Letter to the Editor: Halls Rd. Overlay District Proposal is ‘All About the Money’
To the Editor: To begin: This letter is from a person who staunchly opposes the Halls Road Overlay District Proposal. The specifics by their own admission include: "No more than 40 dwelling units shall be built per 1 acre of land" (HROD [Halls Road Overlay District] 11-18-24) and According to Bill Sweeney the HROD lawyer salesman from the 1st hearing the developers … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Halls Rd. Overlay District Proposal is ‘All About the Money’
Letter to the Editor: Zoning Abyss in Old Lyme Means “No Rules” for Many Properties
To the Editor: There are no rules in Old Lyme for lots of people’s property, in my professional view. The Zoning Commission needs a wholesale change from electors. I just sat in on a zoning meeting for a proposed 11,500 s.f house on Smith Neck Rd, quite large house, and the third, long, drawn out meeting for the same single property (it consumed the entire … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Zoning Abyss in Old Lyme Means “No Rules” for Many Properties
Letter to the Editor: Halls Rd. Overlay District Will Allow Old Lyme to Remain a Small, But Walkable, Vibrant Community
To the Editor: The Halls Road Overlay District Plan offers our community the opportunity to develop a small but vibrant town and community center. This area has been in urgent need of long-range planning & development and now we have it - after years of dedicated committee work, multiple surveys, community input sessions, and revisions in response to every conceivable … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Halls Rd. Overlay District Will Allow Old Lyme to Remain a Small, But Walkable, Vibrant Community
Letter to the Editor: Halls Rd. Overlay District is Good for Old Lyme, False Information Harms the Town
To the Editor: There's been a lot of wild talk about Halls Road and the plan to make it a neighborhood in our town center rather than a highway services plaza. The people behind this raft of lies and exaggerations fear change, and preach that by doing nothing, we can prevent change. They are dead wrong. Doing nothing will allow Halls Road to become truck stops: the … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Halls Rd. Overlay District is Good for Old Lyme, False Information Harms the Town
Letter to the Editor: Halls Road Improvements Committee’s Proposals are ‘Extreme’, Zoning Should Keep Intensity, Scale of Plans ‘in Keeping with Rest of Town’
To the Editor: The question of development on Halls Road is likely to come to a head at the continued public hearing scheduled for Thursday February 27th, 2025 at 6:30 at the Old Lyme Middle School. The proposed guidelines for that development have been the subject of intense debate. What began as the Halls Road Improvements committee more than 12 years ago has morphed … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Halls Road Improvements Committee’s Proposals are ‘Extreme’, Zoning Should Keep Intensity, Scale of Plans ‘in Keeping with Rest of Town’
Letter to the Editor: Nosal Says Proposed Upgrades to Old Lyme EOC Are Important, Necessary For Residents’ Safety
To the Editor:This evening, at the Old Lyme Annual Town Business Meeting, there will be a presentation, followed by a vote, on proposed upgrades to our Emergency Operations Center (EOC). After expected grants of over $900,000, which will cover most of the construction, furnishings, and IT, the town would be responsible for about $600,000 for the upgrades to our town asset at … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Nosal Says Proposed Upgrades to Old Lyme EOC Are Important, Necessary For Residents’ Safety
Letter to the Editor: Smith Neck Rd. Proposed House Poses ‘Serious Threat’ to ‘Natural Beauty’ of CT River Valley
To the Editor: As residents of Old Lyme, we feel a strong responsibility to voice our concerns regarding a recent Special Permit application before the Zoning Commission for 43 Smiths Neck Road, which poses a serious threat to the natural beauty of our cherished Connecticut River Valley. After attending the public hearing, we identified two critical issues that were not … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Smith Neck Rd. Proposed House Poses ‘Serious Threat’ to ‘Natural Beauty’ of CT River Valley