OLD LYME—The ballot question on today's vote in Old Lyme regarding the Lymes' Senior Center reads as follows: “Shall the Town of Old Lyme authorize the issuance of bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed $6,143,541 to finance an existing appropriation for the Old Lyme/Lyme Senior Center renovation project? Yes _____ No _____” Voters approving the question will … [Read more...] about Ballot Question, Two Letters to the Editor About Lymes’ Senior Center Vote in Old Lyme
Funding for Lymes’ Senior Center Discussed at Old Lyme Special Town Meeting, Referendum on Funding Planned for May 7
OLD LYME —This evening, Tuesday, April 30, at 7 p.m., the Old Lyme Board of Selectmen will host a Special Town Meeting in the Memorial Town Hall Meeting Room. According to Old Lyme First Selectwoman Martha Shoemaker's newsletter sent out Friday, April 26, "The purpose of this meeting is to learn more about the resolution for [the Lymes'] Senior Center funding." She … [Read more...] about Funding for Lymes’ Senior Center Discussed at Old Lyme Special Town Meeting, Referendum on Funding Planned for May 7
Old Lyme Board of Selectmen to Hold Special Meeting to Discuss, Take Action on Tantummaheag Access ‘Memo of Understanding’
OLD LYME — The Old Lyme Board of Selectmen has scheduled a Special Meeting on Monday, April 29, at 5:30 p.m. in the Memorial Town Hall Meeting Room. The agenda is focused exclusively on the draft Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Old Lyme and George Frampton/Carla D’Arista concerning Tantummaheag Landing. Visit this link to read our article by Olwen Logan and … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Board of Selectmen to Hold Special Meeting to Discuss, Take Action on Tantummaheag Access ‘Memo of Understanding’
Letter to the Editor: Old Lyme BOF Chair Counters Recent Claims About Lymes’ Senior Center Renovation Plan, Says ‘No’ Vote Would Be ‘Serious Mistake’
To the Editor: I am the chair of the Old Lyme Board of Finance and a member of the Lymes' Senior Center Building Committee. I write in response to a letter from Tom Grant posted in LymeLine on April 26, 2024, opposing the town's referendum seeking authorization to bond the town's financial obligation for the Senior Center renovation and expansion project (the … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Old Lyme BOF Chair Counters Recent Claims About Lymes’ Senior Center Renovation Plan, Says ‘No’ Vote Would Be ‘Serious Mistake’
Letter to the Editor: Vote ‘No’ to Approve Issue of Bonds to Fund Lymes’ Senior Center Renovation, May 7
To the Editor: On April 15, there was a Special Meeting of Lyme/Old Lyme residents to vote on the approval of an $880,000 increase in the cost to renovate the [Lymes'] Senior Center. The Senior Center has been closed for months, but the planning process has never been completed! Not only that, but a bond was also required by the Towns just to get the bids which … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Vote ‘No’ to Approve Issue of Bonds to Fund Lymes’ Senior Center Renovation, May 7
Three New Shows on View at Lyme Art Association Through May 19
OLD LYME —This spring, the Lyme Art Association (LAA) presents three new shows: Ship to Shore: A Marine Show; art by the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club;and John Caggiano’s solo show, Then & Now. The LAA will also welcome spring on May 3 at the Sea & Sky Soiree, an evening of fine art, music, and entertainment. The LAA members’ … [Read more...] about Three New Shows on View at Lyme Art Association Through May 19
Old Lyme Tree Commission Celebrates Arbor Day with Tree Seedling Give-Away
OLD LYME—Celebrate Arbor Day by helping plant a new generation of trees in Old Lyme! Join the Old Lyme (OL) Tree Commission's Second Annual Spring Seedling Event when commission members will give away an assortment of five Native Species of tree seedlings. The event will be held on Saturday, April 27, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Memorial Town Hall on Lyme St. in Old Lyme. … [Read more...] about Old Lyme Tree Commission Celebrates Arbor Day with Tree Seedling Give-Away
Happy St. George’s Day! Of Dragons, Flags, Football and More …
OLD LYME AND BEYOND! -- April 23 is St. George's Day and we are extremely grateful to LymeLine.com reader Russell Fogg of Old Lyme, while traveling with his wife, Anu, in England last year, kindly sent us the photo above to help us acknowledge this special day. And for those who may not know, St. George's Day is the equivalent for the English of St. Patrick's Day for the Irish … [Read more...] about Happy St. George’s Day! Of Dragons, Flags, Football and More …
Introduction of Draft ‘Memo of Understanding’ by Town of Old Lyme, Owners Moves Tantummaheag Landing Dispute Into ‘Less-Divisive Environment’
MOU to be Discussed at 4/29 OL Special Town Meeting OLD LYME—At the Old Lyme Board of Selectmen's (BOS) meeting held Monday, April 15, Selectman Jim Lampos (D) introduced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the ongoing and protracted dispute over public use of “Tantummaheag Landing” between the Town of Old Lyme and the owners of 12 and 19 Tantummaheag Rd., … [Read more...] about Introduction of Draft ‘Memo of Understanding’ by Town of Old Lyme, Owners Moves Tantummaheag Landing Dispute Into ‘Less-Divisive Environment’
Fundraising Campaign Started to Support Lyme-Old Lyme HS Mock Trial Team Trip to National Contest
LYME/OLD LYME -- On Wednesday, March 20, the Lyme-Old Lyme High School (LOLHS) Mock Trial Team competed and won the state championship at the Connecticut State Supreme Court. This is the second year in succession that the LOLHS team has won the state contest. Lyme-Old Lyme Schools Superintendent Ian Neviaser commented, “This is an amazing accomplishment by these young men … [Read more...] about Fundraising Campaign Started to Support Lyme-Old Lyme HS Mock Trial Team Trip to National Contest
Raccoon Tests Positive for Rabies in Niantic
EAST LYME—Ledge Light Health District (LLHD) has announced in a press release that on April 19, a raccoon found on Joyce Ct. in the Niantic section of East Lyme was tested and found to be positive for rabies. The public should rtherefore efrain from feeding or approaching any wild or stray animals. Rabies is a deadly disease caused by a virus that can infect all warm-blooded … [Read more...] about Raccoon Tests Positive for Rabies in Niantic
$880K Supplemental Funding for Lymes’ Senior Center Overwhelmingly Approved by Lyme, Old Lyme Voters, UPDATED
LYME/OLD LYME— UPDATED 4/18 with voting numbers and quote from Lymes' Senior Center Building Committee Chair: On Monday evening, Lyme and Old Lyme residents overwhelmingly passed motions to approve supplemental budget appropriations for the renovation of the Lymes’ Senior Center. Both votes were held initially by voice and so convincing—only one 'No' was heard at either … [Read more...] about $880K Supplemental Funding for Lymes’ Senior Center Overwhelmingly Approved by Lyme, Old Lyme Voters, UPDATED
LYSB Receives More Than $400K from State Nonprofit Grant Program to Fund Renovations
HARTFORD, CT/OLD LYME — On April 10, Governor Ned Lamont announced that his administration is awarding approximately $35.5 million in state funding to nonprofit providers across Connecticut for capital improvement projects that support each respective organization in their mission of delivering services to some of the state’s most vulnerable residents. One of the recipients … [Read more...] about LYSB Receives More Than $400K from State Nonprofit Grant Program to Fund Renovations
Gardening Tips From ‘The English Lady’ For April: The Month of ‘Suns in Showers’
Those April showers that come our wayThey bring the flowers that bloom in May.And when it’s raining, let’s not forget,It isn’t raining rain at all, it’s raining violets.~From a song by Al Jolson~ April is the month of activity in the garden, and our old nemesis, weeds are beginning to rear their heads, so we need to extract the little devils before they take hold and are … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips From ‘The English Lady’ For April: The Month of ‘Suns in Showers’
Rand Automotive Opens on Shore Rd., Celebratory Ribbon-Cutting Held
OLD LYME -- Friends, family, and town officials joined Steve and Jessica Rand in a ribbon-cutting celebrating the opening of Rand Automotive at 214 Shore Rd. in Old Lyme. The Old Lyme (OL) Economic Development Commission hosted the event, which also included the OL Board of Selectmen and the Shoreline Gateway Committee. The ribbon-cutting took place after Rand Automotive's … [Read more...] about Rand Automotive Opens on Shore Rd., Celebratory Ribbon-Cutting Held