Sponsored Content by Suisman Shapiro Attorneys-at-Law. Driving around to see the beautiful fall foliage is a welcome activity for many people. If you are planning on heading out to do this, you must ensure that you are prepared for driving in this season. You might not think of autumn as a season with specific hazards. Here are a few to remember as you head out the door: … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: Prepare for Autumn Driving Hazards
Legal News You Can Use: Spousal Support Could be Affected by Tax Law Changes
Sponsored Content by Suisman Shapiro Attorneys-at-Law. From property division to spousal support, financial issues have been some of the most significant factors for Connecticut couples going through a divorce. Alimony payments are already a contested issue in many divorces, leading to lengthy negotiations and even court battles. Spousal support issues could become even more … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: Spousal Support Could be Affected by Tax Law Changes
Legal News You Can use: It Takes Two – Except When You’re in a Single Car Accident
Sponsored post: One misconception people have about motor vehicle accidents is that "It takes two" - two or more vehicles to justify a claim. Some drivers are embarrassed to say they were injured while sitting alone in their cars - as if it makes them appear foolish. In truth, there are several major categories of single-car accidents - many of which involve negligence … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can use: It Takes Two – Except When You’re in a Single Car Accident
Legal News You Can Use: Divorce and Splitting Retirement Accounts
Suisman Shapiro Sponsored Post — When Connecticut couples divorce, one piece of property they may need to divide is a retirement account. This might be what is known as a qualified plan, including a 401(k), or it might be an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or another non-qualified plan. There are different regulations for dividing these types of accounts. With a … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: Divorce and Splitting Retirement Accounts
Legal News You Can Use: Smartphones May be Causing More Car Accidents
Suisman Shapiro Sponsored Post — Traffic safety advocates believe that smartphones are causing more deadly car accidents in Connecticut and across the U.S., but new federal statistics show that distracted driving deaths actually declined in 2016. What is going on? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, only 448 people were killed in … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: Smartphones May be Causing More Car Accidents
Legal News You Can Use: Why Many Car Accidents Happen Close to Home
Suisman Shapiro Sponsored Post -- While many Connecticut drivers believe that those traveling long distances may be more likely to become involved in a car accident, the fact is that many crashes actually occur within 25 miles of home. Part of the reason many accidents occur near home is because driving in familiar places can cause drivers to rely on memory instead of what is … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: Why Many Car Accidents Happen Close to Home
Legal News You Can Use: Proving Negligence in a Car Accident Case
SPONSORED POST: To recover compensation in a car accident case, a plaintiff must satisfy the required elements of a negligence claim: duty, breach, causation and damages. Specifically, the plaintiff must persuade the jury that the defendant breached his or her duty of care, resulting in injury, by a preponderance of the evidence standard. Element Two: Breach of Duty As we … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: Proving Negligence in a Car Accident Case
Legal News You Can Use: How do you Hold an Impaired Driver Accountable After an Accident?
SPONSORED POST: In fatal motor vehicle accidents, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration collects blood alcohol content levels for analysis in the Fatality Analysis Reporting System. This reporting requirement applies to all states. However, authorities do not have as standardized an approach to non-fatal crashes. After responding to the scene of an accident, … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: How do you Hold an Impaired Driver Accountable After an Accident?
Legal News You Can Use: Protect Your Most Precious Cargo
As the seasons change and we transition from winter to spring, many of us also experience a change in our daily lives and schedules. The days get longer, and children begin outdoor activities. As these inevitable changes occur, the need for parents to transport their children sometimes becomes more frequent. This being the case, it is imperative for parents to be aware of and … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: Protect Your Most Precious Cargo
Legal News You Can Use: Workers’ Compensation: How it Works
Sponsored Post: The day begins like almost any other. You arrive at the workplace, spend a few moments interacting with your co-workers and begin the daily task. Maybe it’s a job that you’ve done a thousand times, or perhaps the demands of that day result in your performing an assignment for the first time. And then “it” happens ~ you feel a twinge in your back or shoulder; … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: Workers’ Compensation: How it Works
Legal News You Can Use: What Parents of Teens and Tweens Should Know About Social Media
Sponsored Post: Social media has forever changed our society. Nowhere is this shift more prevalent than in the arena of parenting. The exponential growth of the internet generally, and social media specifically, has created relatively uncharted territory for parents of teens and “tweens.” According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 22 percent of teenagers log on … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: What Parents of Teens and Tweens Should Know About Social Media
Legal News You Can Use: Divorce and Your Teenager
Sponsored Post: Divorce is painful for children, no matter how old they are. How kids deal with divorce greatly depends on their age and level of maturity. While younger children may cling to parents, teenagers often pull away and become uncharacteristically rebellious. To make things even more complicated, social media has made the landscape much more dangerous. However, … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: Divorce and Your Teenager
Legal News You Can Use: What a Revocable Living Trust Can and Can’t Do For You
A revocable living trust (or RLT) is a widely used estate planning device, often promoted in magazine articles and at seminars. There is no doubt that individuals and couples can achieve substantial benefits, both tax and non-tax, through the use of revocable living trusts. It is important, however, that people considering making a revocable living trust part of their estate … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: What a Revocable Living Trust Can and Can’t Do For You
Legal News You Can Use: Is My Case a Personal Injury or Worker’s Compensation Claim?
As an attorney who practices both Worker’s Compensation and Personal Injury Law, I find that many people are confused as to if and where these systems overlap. Although there are many similarities between these two areas of law, there are a number of significant differences that make the representation of clients in either scenario unique. Personal injury claims fall under … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: Is My Case a Personal Injury or Worker’s Compensation Claim?
Legal News You Can Use: The Gift of Real Estate From Parent to Child
Should I gift my house to the kids now, or leave it in my estate? This can be a tricky question. There are also many other factors to consider, including mortgages, capital gains tax, Medicaid regulations, and other risks. GIFT TAX The current federal law gives each donor (maker of a gift) a $5.43 million lifetime exemption from the federal gift tax. The Connecticut … [Read more...] about Legal News You Can Use: The Gift of Real Estate From Parent to Child