Those April showers that come our wayThey bring the flowers that bloom in May.And when it’s raining, let’s not forget,It isn’t raining rain at all, it’s raining violets. Al Jolsen April is the month of activity in the garden, and our old nemesis, weeds are beginning to rear their heads, so we need to extract the little devils before they take hold and are difficult to … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips by ‘The English Lady’ for April, the ‘Month of Activity’
Gardening with The English Lady
Gardening Tips for March from ‘The English Lady’
‘Those March winds shall blow, and we shall have snow and what will the Robin do then, poor thing? He’ll hide in the barn and keep himself warm and hide his head under his wing’. March is a month of ‘wait and see’ as we anticipate walking around our gardens. This morning I walked outside, into a westerly breeze and a gentle sun. I took a deep breath and as … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips for March from ‘The English Lady’
Gardening Tips for February from ‘The English Lady’: When ‘There is Everything to Hope for and Nothing to Regret’
This winter, as in other winters, when I need a blossom boost, I have enjoyed the fragrance of paper-white narcissus that I planted in tall glass vases. I surrounded the bulbs with seashells from White Sands Beach here in Old Lyme and kept them in a dark cool area keeping them moist as the roots developed. When the bulb foliage reached about six inches, I introduced the … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips for February from ‘The English Lady’: When ‘There is Everything to Hope for and Nothing to Regret’
Gardening Tips from ‘The English Lady’ for January, “The Month for Dreaming”
I know it is only early January, but it is never to early to begin to plan for this season in your garden. My motto has always been to plan, before action and production. Mother Nature is waiting for us with her gifts of renewal, growth and nourishment as we begin to plan for the coming season. She tells us that in this wonderful pastime called ‘gardening,’ we can escape … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips from ‘The English Lady’ for January, “The Month for Dreaming”
Gardening Tips for December from ‘The English Lady’ – ‘The Color of Winter is in the Imagination’
Hello everyone; so much to do and so little time in this holiday season ... remember to breathe, stretch and take time out for yourself each day. On a pleasant December day, go out into the garden -- there is still time to plant your spring bulbs. The earth is still workable so enjoy the fresh air and the gentle exercise before you indulge in the Holiday … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips for December from ‘The English Lady’ – ‘The Color of Winter is in the Imagination’
Gardening Tips for Mid-Fall from ‘The English Lady’
Welcome to mid-fall everyone. I love the cool breezes and soft sunshine and the soil is still warm for you to plant until around now in the first week of November. This is an ideal time to divide summer blooming perennials, which have been in the ground for three years or more. Dividing perennials gives them a new lease on life and encourages more prolific bloom next … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips for Mid-Fall from ‘The English Lady’
Gardening Tips for September from ‘The English Lady’, a Month of ‘Peace and the Crackling Sound of Leaves’
Rain through August has been extremely sparse, that said, our gardens need rain as do our reservoirs. In the meantime, if you are planting evergreens, this month of September is the best time to plant evergreens in our zone. Evergreens planted now can begin to establish strong roots before winter and giving them adequate water is essential. I suggest making a hole in … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips for September from ‘The English Lady’, a Month of ‘Peace and the Crackling Sound of Leaves’
Gardening Tips for August from ‘The English Lady:’ “The Border Between Summer and Autumn”
August has always been one of my least favorite months in the garden, but this year plentiful spring rain has resulted in bountiful fragrance, bloom and foliage. We have a relatively short growing season here in New England and to have a healthy, colorful border is so enjoyable. Of course, by this time in the season, there are always a few gaps to fill in with annuals or … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips for August from ‘The English Lady:’ “The Border Between Summer and Autumn”
Gardening Tips for July From ‘The English Lady’ … When the Sun Shines, a Breeze Blows and Birds Sing
“A perfect July day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing ... and the lawnmower is broken!” – James Dent Watering is so important during the heat of summer. If you planted trees or shrubs this spring, particularly evergreens, these plants require extra moisture to establish a strong root system. We have had an abundant amount of rain … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips for July From ‘The English Lady’ … When the Sun Shines, a Breeze Blows and Birds Sing
Gardening Tips from ‘The English Lady’ for June, ‘The Time of Perfect Young Summer’ (Gertrude Jekyll)
We have had a few cool nights recently, which are just wonderful and allow one to sleep with the windows open. I cannot remember the last time we had a real spring such as we are experiencing this year, with plenty of gentle rain. This beneficial rain is wonderful for all the spring plant growth and such a pleasure to see. I am so in awe of the miracle of Mother Nature; the … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips from ‘The English Lady’ for June, ‘The Time of Perfect Young Summer’ (Gertrude Jekyll)
Gardening Tips for May from ‘The English Lady’, ‘One of the Most Enchanting Months’
“The darling buds of May” is such an apt phrase for one of the most enchanting months, bloom on spring bulbs and flowering trees, the Amelanchier, the Dogwood and the Cherry to name a few and the new awakening foliage on trees winking in the sun. By now, you have probably removed most of the winter debris, pruned broken branches and re-edged borders. However, do not apply … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips for May from ‘The English Lady’, ‘One of the Most Enchanting Months’
Gardening Tips for April from ‘The English Lady,’ a ‘Month of Activity’
Those April showers that come our way They bring the flowers that bloom in May And when it’s raining, let's not forget, It isn’t raining rain at all, its raining violets April is the month of activity in the garden, and our old nemesis, weeds are beginning to rear their heads, so we need to extract the little devils before they take hold and are difficult to … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips for April from ‘The English Lady,’ a ‘Month of Activity’
Gardening Tips from ‘The English Lady’ for March, a Month of ‘Wait and See’
Those March winds shall blow and we shall have snow and what will the Robin do then poor thing? He’ll hide in the barn and keep himself warm and hide his head under his wing. March is a month of ‘wait and see’ as we anticipate walking around our gardens. This morning I walked outside, into a westerly breeze and a pleasantly warm sun. I took a deep breath and as I … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips from ‘The English Lady’ for March, a Month of ‘Wait and See’
Gardening Tips for February from ‘The English Lady,’ Lift Your Spirits by Thinking Spring … and Beyond
Hello everyone, with all the pain and suffering we are all experiencing right now with the pandemic still upon us, I wanted to lift your spirits and cause you to begin planning for this season in your garden. Mother Nature’s gifts of renewal, growth and nourishment tell us that in this wonderful pastime called ‘gardening,’ we can escape from the trials and tribulations of … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips for February from ‘The English Lady,’ Lift Your Spirits by Thinking Spring … and Beyond
Gardening Tips for Early December from ‘The English Lady’
We have been fortunate here in New England to have had the pleasure of a lovely summer not too hot with adequate rain. Followed by a warm fall with more than enough rain into November to encourage healthy root growth for a vibrant spring next year. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this weather foretells a mild winter – we can only hope, but yet again this is New … [Read more...] about Gardening Tips for Early December from ‘The English Lady’