To the Editor: To begin: This letter is from a person who staunchly opposes the Halls Road Overlay District Proposal. The specifics by their own admission include: "No more than 40 dwelling units shall be built per 1 acre of land" (HROD [Halls Road Overlay District] 11-18-24) and According to Bill Sweeney the HROD lawyer salesman from the 1st hearing the developers … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Halls Rd. Overlay District Proposal is ‘All About the Money’
Letter to the Editor: Halls Road Improvements Committee’s Proposals are ‘Extreme’, Zoning Should Keep Intensity, Scale of Plans ‘in Keeping with Rest of Town’
To the Editor: The question of development on Halls Road is likely to come to a head at the continued public hearing scheduled for Thursday February 27th, 2025 at 6:30 at the Old Lyme Middle School. The proposed guidelines for that development have been the subject of intense debate. What began as the Halls Road Improvements committee more than 12 years ago has morphed … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Halls Road Improvements Committee’s Proposals are ‘Extreme’, Zoning Should Keep Intensity, Scale of Plans ‘in Keeping with Rest of Town’
Letter to the Editor: Danenhower Defends His No Vote on HRIC Overlay Plan; Says Plan Was Flawed, Vote Not Political But in Best Interest of Town
To the Editor: This letter is in response to Sandra Rueb’s letter published on October 17, 2023, regarding the Zoning Commission vote on the Halls Road Improvement Committee’s overlay plan on March 27th 2023. Rather than state the reasons I gave on the record for my No vote, she personally attacked me, and Michael Barnes the other No vote in her first sentence by stating, … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Danenhower Defends His No Vote on HRIC Overlay Plan; Says Plan Was Flawed, Vote Not Political But in Best Interest of Town
Letter to the Editor: Vote Read/Kerr to Increase Old Lyme Town Hall Transparency
To the Editor: As an unaffiliated voter in Old Lyme, the upcoming election for Selectmen is particularly important. Seeking to fund the extension of a town project, largely with state money, without a guarantee for the money from the state is putting the “cart before the horse”……..The state has been broke for years. Case in point: The rearranging/bump outs/sidewalks/repaving … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor: Vote Read/Kerr to Increase Old Lyme Town Hall Transparency