OLD LYME — A ribbon-cutting on Saturday morning welcomed the newest owner of The Chocolate Shell while the retiring owner was honored by the local community.
Lizzy McCarthy Takes the Helm at The Chocolate Shell
New owner Elizabeth “Lizzy” McCarthy is a longtime fan of The Chocolate Shell, having been a customer for 11 years and worked for former owner Barbara Crowley for one and a half years. “Owning a candy store is really a dream come true,” McCarthy shared, continuing, “It is so in line with being the candy lover that I am.”
McCarthy attended Lyme-Old Lyme (LOL) Schools and has been known by many for always having candy at the ready to share. “In high school, I would keep Laffy Taffy in my backpack’s water bottle holder.” When Crowley was considering retiring from owning the store after 11 years, the opportunity was perfect for McCarthy.

The store is a family affair for McCarthy, whose grandmother and mother can often be seen at the confection shop helping out. A photograph of a gumball machine, taken by McCarthy’s mother while she was a student in a photography class over 20 years ago, is proudly hung above the candies on display.
“We are so happy The Chocolate Shell can continue on Lyme Street,” said Cheryl Poirier, chair of the Old Lyme (OL) Economic Development Commission (EDC).
She added, “So many businesses have trouble continuing when an owner is ready to step aside. We are thrilled that the traditions of this shop and the small business community fabric it’s part of will continue on – whether it’s afterschool candy-shopping by local school children or residents who stop in to purchase the perfect gift.”
Barbara Crowley Recognized for Her Contributions

Before the ribbon cutting commenced, the Old Lyme (OL) Economic Development Commission (EDC) and the OL Board of Selectmen recognized the now retired owner Crowley for her years supporting the Old Lyme community since purchasing The Chocolate Shell in 2011.
State Rep. Devin Carney (R-23rd) presented Crowley with a citation from the Connecticut General Assembly which had been introduced by State Rep. Carney and State Senator Paul Formica (R-20th).
The citation, which State Rep. Carney read aloud, commended Crowley for her years of service in supporting Old Lyme small businesses. Both OL First Selectman Timothy Griswold and OL EDC Chair Poirier also noted Crowley’s service to the community and presented her with a Certificate of Recognition for her local business support.

This support included everything from assisting nonprofits with auction item donations, and participating in LOL Chamber and OL Arts District marketing activities, to promoting other businesses along the south end of Lyme Street.
Poirier added, “As the EDC discussed Barbara’s retirement, it was very clear that she has always championed the local small business community that she has been a part of for more than 10 years.”
Crowley shared her appreciation with the gathered guests, who then enjoyed an outdoor reception hosted by the new ownership of The Chocolate Shell.